Sunday, March 10, 2019

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is perhaps the most genuine and versatile cure-all plant there is, offering a plethora of health benefits - the word 'vera' after all, does mean true or genuine. In the past, it was considered to be the plant of immortality by the Egyptians, and has been used since time immemorial for its soothing and curing properties.
The Aloe vera plant is luscious with thick, fleshy stems and spiny leaves. The plant's miraculous benefits are located within the stems, which contain aloe juice and gel - a substance that is used in numerous medicinal, cosmetic, and health treatments.
Aloe vera juice can be bought (preferably organic, and pure) from a health shop or a well-stocked supermarket. Alternatively, if you've got a couple of plants at home, you can just as easily make your own juice.
Making Aloe Vera Juice
  1. Cut and open a few stems of the plant from the middle section. Opt for the outer stems as they are the most mature, and have the highest concentration of antioxidants.
  2. Upon squeezing the stem, aloe gel will ooze out. Store it in a bowl, then put the gel in a blender and add 1 cup of water.
  3. To get pure aloe vera juice, blend the ingredients and consume within 3-4 days, before it loses its antioxidants.
What Makes Aloe Vera so Nutritious?
Aloe vera (both juice and gel) is packed with antioxidants and antibiotics and works as a stimulator of cell growth. It also has scar and pain inhibitor properties. The entire leaf is at times used to treat ulcerative colitis, metastatic cancer, infectious disease and chemotherapy treatment. The plant is also rich in the following vitamins and minerals, making it a highly nutritious ingredient.
  • Calcium
  • Sodium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Zinc
  • Folic Acid
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E
  • Amino Acids

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe juice can be consumed internally, or applied to the skin and hair. It is also a general health tonic that you can consume every morning to reap all of its benefits.  
1. Use it to cure bowel problems
Due to its high anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera is just the thing to take if you suffer from bowel problems. It promotes good bacteria in the gut and keeps all digestive disorders at bay.
2. Use it to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis
This auto-immune disease attacks the body tissues, especially the membranes lining the joints, causing inflammation and stiffness. Drinking aloe juice for two weeks however, can help reduce inflammation in the body. Aloe also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help to reduce the pain and stiffness to a great extent.
3. Use it to treat acid reflux
If you suffer from severe digestive problems, drinking aloe vera juice reduces the symptoms of acid reflux, and stabilizes the alkaline levels of the body. Aloe juice has a soothing effect on stomach walls and reduces heart burn and discomfort. It is also an ideal treatment for constipation, due to its laxative properties.

4. Use it to reduce cholesterol levels
To keep your cholesterol levels in check, as well as increase levels of good cholesterol, include fresh aloe juice in your daily diet.
5. Use it to regulate blood sugar levels
When consumed regularly, aloe vera helps regulate blood sugar levels. On this note though, it is important to consult with your doctor for the correct dosage. Often times, aloe can interfere with the medicines that you take to curb blood sugar.
6. Use it to relieve sinus and chest congestion
If you tend to suffer from constant sinus problems, opt for aloe vera. It's rich in magnesium lactate that works as an antihistamine, which helps in reducing the problems of sinus and chest inflammation due to various allergies.
7. Use it to help fight cancer
Aloe juice contains high levels of anti-carcinogenic properties that hinder the growth of tumors.Aloe vera contains some effective macrophages that produce huge volumes of nitric oxide, which has antitumor potential. In naturopathy, there are innumerable methods of cancer prevention and the aloe vera-based has proven to be one of the most successful ones. Many studies have shown that these antitumor and immunomodulatory properties are due to the presence of polysaccharides in aloe vera. However, some experts say that, when used alone, it may not be very effective in advanced cases, so a combination of herbs like spirulina, cat’s claw, and therapies like intravenous Vitamin C should also be included. It is always advisable to start any kind of cancer treatment after consulting a physician.
8. Use it to build immunity
Consuming aloe juice on a regular basis, replenishes the amino acid deficiency in your body. Due to its high vitamin content, aloe boosts your body's immune system and self-defense mechanism.
9. Use it to fight the common cold and cough
Aloe juice is the best natural solution for anyone who suffers regularly from colds, coughs, flu, stuffy nose, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders. Aloe contains a good dose of Vitamin C, which ensures protection from common colds that occur with environmental changes.
10. Use it to combat signs of aging
Aloe contains anti-aging properties, keeping the skin supple and rejuvenated. It also lightens blemishes. The gel can be rubbed directly on your face.
11. Use it to remove dead cells and stretch marks
Aloe vera moisturizes the skin, and helps to remove dead cells, wrinkles and fine lines. The juice may also be used to remove stretch marks.
12. Use it to heal wounds
The blend may be used to heal cuts and wounds. It can also be used for dermatitis and insect bites when applied externally.
If used externally, it is the best option for dressing wounds. In fact, in many cases, it is seen that aloe vera works like magic, even in the most serious of emergency room wound cases. The juice instantly seals the wound by drawing the flow of blood to the wound, thus enhancing the process of wound healing. In many studies, it has been proven that aloe effectively treats third-degree burn victims and it restores the burned skin faster. It is also known that a large amount of aloe vera gel can heal wounds of gunshots and tissue injuries.
13. Use it to reduce eye irritation
It's easy to create your own natural eye wash with aloe vera gel - just mix 2 teaspoons of aloe gel in a cup of water. You can also add a teaspoon of boric acid. It's also the perfect remedy to reduce reddening and irritation in the eyes.
14. Use it to maintain gum health
Dental and gum diseases can also be cured by aloe vera. You can try out this natural remedy at home; put some aloe vera powder on your toothbrush, then brush normally. The aloe vera powder will soothe your gums and cure any kind of infection or bruises. Aloe vera juice can also help in keeping the gums healthy. Just gargle the liquid around your mouth before swallowing. Also, try to increase your intake of Vitamin D. Both these measures will be enough to get your gums back in shape within a few months. A study confirms its use as an effective mouthwash and its ability to cure dental plaque.

15. Use it to promote healthy weight loss
If you'd like to lose weight naturally, try aloe vera - an easy and natural weight loss solution that reduces weight by stabilizing the metabolic rate, reducing the lipid levels, and helping burn fat.

16. Heals Side Effects of Radiotherapy

During a cancer treatment, radiotherapy is inevitable in most cases. Cancer patients often experience uncomfortable side effects due to radiotherapy. According to a study, aloe vera application helps prevent the acute skin side effects in patients treated with radiotherapy for breast cancer. It also accelerates healing. If you drink aloe juice in such conditions, it will also help you in healing the radiation burns.

17. Skin Care

Aloe has been used for skin ailments since ancient times. The pure inner gel extracted from the aloe leaf is the best natural remedy for skin abrasions and it also helps diminish the symptoms of aging skin conditions. Many skin care and personal care products, toiletries, and cosmetics include aloe extracts. In fact, if you have its plant at home, simply tear a small part of the leaf, take the gel and apply it in the raw form on your face. This therapy will prove to be far better and more effective than many expensive skin creams on the market. Most people prefer drinking its juice, which also enhances skin health, as the properties of the plant work internally. It also helps in curing stings, rashes, and psoriasis. Doctor says that the topical application of aloe vera gel combined with tretinoin is extremely useful in the treatment of mild and moderate acne vulgaris. Another study has also proved the ability of aloe vera to cure suntan and sunburn.

18. Hair Care

Aloe vera has proven to be an excellent option for promoting hair growth naturally. The hair products that contain it are essential to retain voluminous and healthy hair. You can apply its gel to the entire scalp and hair to treat hair loss as it has an enzyme that is beneficial for stimulating hair growth. Aloe vera shampoo improves blood circulation and keeps you away from stress and mental strain. In fact, it has anti-inflammatory properties that effectively treat androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. If you use it regularly as a shampoo and conditioner, you are sure to prevent premature hair loss.

19. Relieves Joint & Muscle Pain
The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera help it to work efficiently on joint and muscle pains. Applying aloe gel topically eases inflammation of the joints. Eating aloe vera, its capsules, or drinking its juice can reduce inflammation throughout the body, thus proving to be revitalizing. In some studies, it has been reported that people who regularly consume aloe vera juice for at least two weeks experience a significant improvement in inflammation issues. However, it works efficiently when your diet contains less intake of red meat, sugar, milk, fried foods, and white flour.
20. Cures Menstrual Problems
The extract of aloe vera has shown to be an excellent stimulant of the uterus and eating aloe vera or drinking its juice is very beneficial during painful menstruation.

21. Alleviates Nausea
Nausea can occur due to a host of reasons, including consuming contaminated food, having a virus or flu, or even due to chemotherapy treatments. Oftentimes, feelings of nausea originate from disorders in the stomach or in the digestive tract. Aloe vera juice is excellent for a sick stomach and makes you feel better by bringing a calm feeling throughout the body.

22. Prevents Oxidative Stress
Aloe vera gel is rich in vitamins like Vitamin B12, B1, B2, B6, and Vitamin A, E, C, niacin, and folic acid. These vitamins are required for the proper functioning of the human body. The body’s defense system is thus kept intact by regularly eating aloe vera capsules or drinking its juice.

23. Preserves Food
A thin layer of aloe vera gel can act as a natural food preservative. In an experiment, aloe preservative was able to keep grapes fresh for more than 35 days. Furthermore, a 2014 study cited shows that the pure aqueous extract of aloe vera can inhibit the growth of certain microbes. This extract when coated on tomatoes helped delay ripening and was effective in increasing its overall shelf-life.
Many scientists say that this benefit of aloe can bring a new dimension to food safety regulations around the world. Further experiments showed that dipping fruits and vegetables in aloe vera gel effectively eliminated E.coli, retained freshness, and also extended their shelf life. The FDA has also approved it as a natural food flavoring agent.

24. Boosts Blood Oxygenation
Blood oxygenation benefits the supply of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to vital organs. In some studies, it has been reported that aloe vera aids in blood oxygenation.

Disclaimer: You should not consume more than 4 ounces of aloe vera juice per day. Excess intake of aloe vera can cause nausea and liver inflammation. It should also be taken with caution when combined with water pills, diuretics, and blood sugar lowering drugs. If any feelings of discomfort arise upon taking aloe vera, report to your doctor - some people may face allergic reactions.
THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                  https://           

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