Sunday, March 10, 2019

Daily Affirmations That Will Strengthen You

Even the happiest people will face struggles in their life that change the way they look at the world and how they define themselves. But each day doesn’t have to be a struggle. We have so much more strength in ourselves than we even realise. So don’t let the day-to-day struggles weaken you.
Remember that you have control over your own mind and spirit, even if over nothing else in this world. You might not control the way your day goes, but you can control how you feel at the end of it. And therein lies the key to staying strong, positive and upbeat.
Try to say a few of these self-affirmations at least once every single day to constantly remind yourself to keep your head up and keep moving forward. 

1. “I deserve the best and I accept it now. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask”. 
Reach for the Moon ! 
This quote by Louise Hay, speaks to the confidence we all need to learn to give ourselves. This confidence can not only help you in your every day life, but it also changes the way we see our own lives.
Our sense of appreciation for the people, experiences and things in our lives grows with our feeling of self. But it can be hard to keep your spirits up when life has its way of pulling you down.
This affirmation reminds us that we can be the best, and once we accept that, the best will come to us simply because we are open to it. 

2. The more I give, the less I want. The less I ask for, the more I receive.  

There is an innate value in letting go. Now we all can't say good bye to every material thing in our lives. But it is always important to remember to let go of your demands, give only what makes you happy and keep the things that are sacred to you.
When you are at peace with what you have and what you can give, you expect less from those around you. Then you will automatically enjoy everything you get more.
Even the smallest gifts from life can make you feel the greatest joy, simply because it is an unexpected act of kindness.

3. Today is a beautiful day because it holds all the hope for tomorrow. 

Life is like a story book. You keep turning the pages because you need to know what’s going to happen next. And you never know when the story can take a sudden and unexpected turn.
Any story can change in a page, and today could be that page for you. You could be a young boy living in a room under the stairs today and the chosen child of the Wizarding world tomorrow, like Harry Potter. This is your story, so enjoy every page. 

4. Every opportunity is a chance to experience something, and every experience will help me grow. 

We are shaped by all the experiences in our lives, even the ones we don’t remember. Take every opportunity you can, and push it as far as it will take you. There will always be something to be gained from trying.\ Even negative experiences can have a positive effect on your life, if you make the choice to learn from them. 

5. All the fears I have are just opportunities for me to find my courage. 

The brain is hard-wired to react to fear very viscerally. This affirmation reminds you that it’s okay to be afraid. Yes, sometimes fear can be immobilizing, but overcoming it is an experience that will strengthen your resolve.
Courage isn’t found in the comfort of the things we approve of, it is found in the discovery of the unknown, and our moments of fear when facing them. The next time you feel afraid of anything, take a deep breath, remember this sentence, and find your courage. You might find that thing you were afraid of wasn’t so frightening after all.    
. Change is the bridge that allows me to explore new worlds, and today I am an explorer. 

Nobody is a big fan of change. It can often feel like your whole world is turning upside down. But it’s important to remember that change is not the enemy.
Change brought you from yesterday to today. It created the path that you walked on to grow and learn. Tomorrow, it will bring you more opportunities and equip you with the skills to face them head-on.  

7. In every victory, loss, heartache, and joyous moment, I have been the same person that I am today. 

Just because you let change in, it doesn’t mean you have to change who you are. Think back to every obstacle, challenge, triumph and success you have faced in life.
Always remember that it was you who faced those challenges, struggled through defeat and achieved all that you could achieve. While the parts of you may change with time, the whole remains the same.  

8. Today I am the best version of me. Tomorrow I will be better still. 

This affirmation is to give you two important reminders before you start your day.
The first is that you are incredible as you are. You don’t need to change anything to please others or be more.
The second is to bring you back down to Earth, just a little, and remind you that even if you don’t need to change anything, you should still embrace every opportunity to be better, simply because you can. That will make the world a better place for you.     

9. There is greatness inside me because I am a part of something much greater than myself.

In this never ending expanse that is the universe, we all have moments where we feel small and insignificant. But our significance is directly related to the expansive universe around us.
We are a part of it and therefore, it exists. Being one in seven billion may seem daunting, but without you, the world would have only 6,999,999,999. Every drop makes the ocean. 

10. I accept myself as flawed, but appreciate my flaws for the strength they will give me. 

Each and every one of us has flaws that make us perfectly imperfect. And these flaws are built into us so you can’t get rid of them by sheer force of will alone. 
No one is perfect !
But every imperfection, every bad habit, every missed communication are just opportunities for you to learn more about yourself, and understand what makes you wonderful.   

11. I appreciate the sadness I experience in my life as it stands as proof of the happiness I have had. 

We all want to avoid the sadness in our lives. Or worse yet, we are often conquered by our sadness. But the sadness in your life is a big part of who you are. 

Simply put, the only way you could be feeling sad at any point, is because you were once that happy. And it will be the happy times in your life that get you through the sadness. You can’t have one without the other.  

12. Each struggle in my life is a lesson designed to mold me into who I am meant to be. 

Out of 10 million ways any given moment could have gone, and endless possibilities, things in your life happened the way they did, and that is what made you who you are today.
And the life you have lived is one that only you could have lived. All the things that have happened in your life have been custom-made to sculpt you into the amazing person you are today.   

13. My mind is open, my heart is full, and I embrace everything life has to give me next. 

When we put up walls around us, be them mental or physical, we shut ourselves away from so many possibilities. 
Life is a beautiful ride !
When we accept all possibilities, cherish what we have, and take a leap of faith to see what the future holds, come what may, we can make impossible things happen, and make all the lives we touch a little better. 

14. We are all born unique. I choose to do great things with my uniqueness. 

There’s a saying that goes, “when everybody is special, nobody is”. It alludes to the idea that if being special is something that is common to everybody, then nobody is truly unique.
But from my perspective, what sets every person, even every version of ourselves apart, are the choices we make. Everyday you can make a choice to be better, kinder, stronger and happier.    

15. There is nothing in the past that can hold me back and nothing in the future that will stop me from moving forward. 

Just a constant reminder we need to give ourselves. You can never forget your past, but that doesn’t mean it has to weigh you down.
Your past was once the present, and here and now you are in the future. It is proof that all the things the future has to offer that seem scary could one day become a part of you. 
Be optimistic !

16.I have something to offer because I am.

People don’t give themselves enough credit for just being alive. Just being here, as the person they are today. Every day you are is another day that you have survived. With every day you survive, you are taking in newer and greater things. It is the foundation from which innovation is derived so never sell yourself short.  17. I have chosen the people in my life, because they make my life better.
This one can be tough, because we don’t always get to choose the people in our lives, and circumstances are what they are. But whenever you get to decide, make sure you choose people that enrich your life and fill it with joy, strength and comfort.
Make a conscious effort not to allow people who put you down or don’t appreciate you to take up room in your life and your heart. 

18. Even on the darkest days, I can still see, and I know there is still light.
Never Ever Give Up

There can be some down-and-out moments in life. There are times when you wonder where all the good has gone. But if you still have the memory of that good in your heart, it will help you find the goodness in others.
Just believing can be enough to get you through the worst, because it helps you keep your eyes open. And you can’t see the light if you close your eyes. 

19.Today I will let go of the pain and lose what burdens me, and look to the joy and love that will uplift me.
Let Go !

No one can let go of pain overnight. But tell yourself this once a day, and every day, try and let go of a little bit more. And every day, give yourself at least one new reason to smile.
One day, some day, when you least expect it, you will wake up in the morning with your shoulders feeling lighter.
  20. "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." 

This quote is derived from a prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr, a theologian from the 20th Century, entitled “the Serenity Prayer”. But regardless of religion, the words hold incredible meaning.
There will always be things beyond our control, but the more we fight to regain that control, the more destructive our minds become. And it stops us from making the choices that will allow us to change things for the better.
While I may never truly be serene, courageous or wise, these words have brought me peace on more than one occasion. I hope they can do the same for you and the people in your life.  

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                  https://           

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