Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Premature Baby Needs Care and Lactation Support

According to WHO, every year about 15 million babies around the world are born prematurely (before 37 weeks of pregnancy). Mother’s milk is the only source that can provide optimal nutrition for the baby, especially at this stage. In cases of mother-infant separation such as in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU), breastfeeding may become a challenge.

Therefore, at this stage it is important for the mothers to follow a routine and keep certain things in mind while taking care of their preemie along with good support system to help them in their journey.

Available Lactational Support for Mothers & Key Criteria
Here are the list of available lactation support for mothers and some of the key criteria.

Antenatal Education
All expectant mothers/couples should be educated about breastfeeding during pregnancy. Research has shown that 2nd trimester is the best time for antenatal education as the mother is receptive to information. In case, there is impeding premature labour/birth, breastfeeding should be an important aspect of counseling.

Informed Decision
Standardised information for NICU mothers must be provided by the support team (doctors and nurses at the NICU) about the value of mother's milk specifying techniques to build an adequate milk supply. Providing consistent and timely information to NICU families not only helps them feel included in their baby's care but also enables them to make an informed decision and understand options available.

First Expression of Milk Post Delivery
Hospital protocols should outline expression within 1 hour of birth; regular trainings of the NICU staff and audits of performance must be carried out. Stimulating the breasts in the first hours via expression is important. This supports timely initiation and long-term milk production.

Frequent Expression of Milk
Hospital protocols must also outline expressing 8 or more times per 24 hours, including in the night; regular monitoring must still be performed. Frequent expression is critical to achieving adequate volumes. Double pumping every two to three hours is beneficial for this. Mothers should be taught and made to practice both manual and pump expression.

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