15 Cancer Symptoms Women Are Likely to Ignore
Many cancer signs mimic symptoms of other diseases or conditions, so it’s easy to brush them aside. All the doctors we interviewed agreed: Know your body, and if you notice an unusual pain or other change that persists and gets worse, head to the doctor.
Postmenopausal bleeding
It’s not uncommon for women to see some light spotting even after they’ve gone through menopause. But if you suddenly start period-like bleeding again, and it’s consistent, it could be an early warning sign of uterine cancer, says an oncologist. The good news: Women diagnosed at stage 1, when the cancer hasn’t spread, have a five-year survival rate of 88 percent, according to the Dr.Sores or pain in the mouth
A cold sore that heals is probably nothing to worry about, nor is a toothache that goes away after a trip to the dentist. But if you notice sores that don’t heal, pain that sticks around, white or red patches on the gums or tongue, and any swelling or numbness of the jaw it could be a sign of some mouth cancers. If they persist for longer than two weeks, the doctor suggests seeing a doctor.Bloating
Nearly every woman complains of bloating, especially during that time of the month; but if you notice you’re still bloated after your cycle finishes or you feel consistently constipated, it could be a symptom of ovarian cancer or uterine cancer. “If it’s been a few weeks and isn’t getting better, that’s a change, that’s not you,” says a Dr. “Ask a doctor to take a closer look.” Many ovarian cancer patients report having experienced vague symptoms, like bloating, that they ignored for months before seeking help, says a gastroenterologist. A feeling of fullness despite a lighter appetite is another common sign of ovarian cancer.Labels: bleeding, bloating, blood in stools, breast dimpling, bruising, cancer symptoms, chronic cough, Fatigue, headache, infection, mouth, postmenopausal, skin changes, stomach pain, swallowing, weight loss
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