Saturday, November 03, 2018

Snoring Remedy That Works

There are a number of factors that contribute to who snores and why. Your sleeping positions, diet, weight and alcohol consumption are a few of the primary reasons.

What Type of Snorer Are You?

It helps to determine what type of snorer you are in order to really pinpoint how to stop snoring. Taking the time to determine this, and why you snore, can help you find the right solution and get a good night of rest consistently.
To figure this out, ask your partner to help you keep a sleep diary to monitor your snoring. By observing patterns in your snoring, you can often determine the reasons why you snore and what makes it worse. With the help of your partner, let’s see if you can pinpoint when you snore. This feedback is invaluable and will get to the root of the issue.  

1. Mouth Shut Snorer

If your mouth stays shut while you snore, it may indicate a problem with your tongue and nasal passageways.

2. Mouth Wide Open Snorer

If you snore with your mouth wide open, this could be an indication that the tissues in your throat are more likely to be causing you to snore. If your throat is partially obstructed, you’re apt to try to force in more air, which creates the snore sounds.

3. Back Snorer

Sleeping on your back often causes you to breathe through your mouth. This can make snoring worse.

4. A Snorer No Matter What

If you snore in any position no matter what, it could be a sign of a more serious problem, such as sleep apnea. Please have a visit with your doctor if your snoring is loud enough to keep your partner awake, you wake yourself up, everything you have tried does not seem to help or you snore in any sleeping position. You may need a more specified approach or more individualized details from a health care provider to determine how to stop snoring in this case. 

Juice the ingredients and drink prior to going to bed. You will sleep well and notice the difference.

The great thing is that this isn’t JUST helpful for snorers (and their spouses!)…it can also help clear stuffy, irritated nasal passages of any kind! So if your family tends to get colds frequently or has allergy issues, you’ll definitely want to whip up a couple of these jars.

Snore Relieving Gel in a Jar

You’ll need:
  • 2 packets unflavoured gelatin
  • 1 Tbsp salt
  • 1 cup water, divided
  • 2  4 oz mason jars
  • Marjoram, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender essential oils

Heat 3/4 cup of water in a small pot or pan over medium-high heat. Add 1 Tbsp of salt, and stir until the salt dissolves completely.
Slowly add the contents of the 2 packets of gelatin to the water, and stir until dissolved.
Remove the mixture from heat and add the remaining 1/4 cup of water.
Pour the liquid carefully into your two 4oz mason jars, then add the essential oils. Add 5 drops each of marjoram, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender essential oils, for a total of 20 drops in each jar. Add a drop or two of food coloring too, if you’d like (just to make it a bit more visually interesting.)
Place the jars into your fridge to cool and solidify, then cover with a lid.

To Use:
At bedtime, open the jar and hold it near your nose. Take a few deep breaths through your nose, then leave the jar open on your nightstand while you sleep.
Marjoram essential oil relieves tension and relaxes muscles, promoting restful sleep.
Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils are excellent at reducing inflammation in the nasal passages, which helps clear the airways and eliminate snoring. And finally, lavender essential oil is very relaxing, helping to carry you off to a restful, snore-less sleep.
(As with all gelatin products, higher temperatures can cause this gel to liquify. If this happens, no worries! Just stick the jar back in the fridge until it has solidified again.)

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                                                                                                                                                                                       PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                    

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