Thursday, October 25, 2018

What does the colour of urine tells about our health

Pale yellow urine- Healthy urine is 96%  water, with just a few other waste products. 

Completely clear- It is extremely diluted , so you probably drank too much water. 

Orange or dark yellow - The most common cause is dehydration.Orange urine can also be a sign of hepatitis. Or you ate too much food rich in beta-carotene.

Bright, Neon Yellow- This is usually a result of vitamin or nutritional supplement overdose. Your body can not store large amounts of vitamin B 2, so the excess tends to be excreted all at once.

Blue urine- Did you consume foods made with blue dyes, such as frosting or candy? It is also caused by use of methylene blue which is injected in case of accidental poisoning with cyanide or used to treat urinary tract infections (UTI).

Green urine- Most commonly the result of bacteria, transferred to the urinary tract when toilet paper is applied with a forward motion rather than a backward motion.
People who have liver cancer can have green urine.
People who drink huge amounts of green tea, can have green urine. It is noted that toxic exposure to the pesticide, paraquat.
The anesthetic profofol, can cause green urine, as can medications of Parkinson's disease.

Purple urine- It usually results from a disease called porphyria, which affects 30,000 people in UK and South Africa. Porphyria is the cause of the infamous " madness of King George 111" of Britain.

Red or Pink urine- Reddish urine is most common due to bleeding in the urinary tract, which can be caused due to kidney stones, blows to the kidneys or bladder, or, in rare cases, cancer of the kidneys or bladder.

Brown or Black urine-eating certain kinds of beans especially fava beans or velvet beans , causes darkening of the urine because of their dopamine content
Certain medication like for Parkinson's disease can also cause this.
Taking laxative made with senna in the US and UK, can also darken the urine.

Cloudy urine causes- dehydration- could be a sign of dehydration, and when it occurs without any symptoms and goes away rapidly, there are usually few consequences.
Infection- infections in the UTI can cause blood and pus to appear in the urine giving it a cloudy appearance.
Pregnancy- It is important that pregnant women seek medical attention if they notice cloudy pee or other UTI symptoms because risk factors, such as preterm delivery and low infant weight, are most commonly associated with bacterial infections during pregnancy.
Kidney stones-kidney stones  affect 5 % of the population, it may also cause cloudy urine, as it can cause pus in the urine, which gives it a milky or cloudy appearance.
diseases-some disease like diabetes, preeclampsia, heart disease affect other body systems in addition to UTI and may cause cloudy urine.
Gonorrhea- it causes infections in the genitals and rectum, which causes increased discharge from the penis and vagina that may appear as cloudy pee.

Some medication, laxatives, chemotherapy drugs and even foods can change the colour of your urine.

Talk to your doctor, if your urine colour change lasts longer than a couple of days. You keep seeing the same colour in your urine .

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