Sunday, February 25, 2007

Colour of health

Red fruits & veg are coloured by plant pigments called lycopene, which is a powerful anti oxidant. It is present in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, which help to reduce the risk of several types of cancer, esp. Prostate. Anthocyanins in strawberries, raspberries red grapes act as powerful anti oxidants that protect cells from damage 7a re also linked to keeping us healthy. This group comprises red apples, beets, cranberries, radishes, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes & watermelon.

Orange/yellow fruits & veg.- are due to the carotenoids present in them. Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes, pumpkins & carrots is converted to Vit. A, which helps in maintaining healthy mucous membranes & healthy eyes. Carotenoid rich foods also help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart diseases & improve immunity. This group is also rich in Vit. C, E & Folate B Vit. Which help prevent some birth defects. This groups has yellow apples, apricots, lemons, mangoes, grapefruit, oranges, papayas, pineapple, carrots, sweet potatoes & pumpkin.

Green fruits & veg.- are due to the presence of chlorophyll in them. Spinach & other dark green leafy greens, green peppers, peas, cucumber, celery contain lutein, which works with zeaxanthin found in corn, red peppers, oranges, grapes & egg yolks to help keep eyes healthy. Together these chemicals help to reduce the risk of cataracts & age- related macular degeneration. This group comprises green apples, beans, broccoli, cucumber, melon, kiwi, peas, green onions & spinach.

Blue & purple fruits & veg. are due to the plant pigment, anthocyanins, which act as antioxidants that protect cells from damage & may help reduce risk of cancer & heart disease. Studies have shown that eating blue berries is linked with improved memory function & healthy aging. This group comprises blueberries, blackberries, plums & raisins.

To be healthy have a good colour combination to get the maximum benefit from them


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