Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Here are 5 ways to preserve your emotional energy

Often when we feel emotionally drained, we need to look inwards and try to understand what is draining our emotional energy. “If you often feel emotionally drained, ask yourself how you may be contributing to that state of being. You may have been conditioned since childhood to operate in certain ways that are depleting you (for example, people-pleasing patterns). While you aren’t responsible for your upbringing, you are accountable for your healing and growth as an adult,” wrote Therapist Sadaf Siddiqi. Here are five ways to preserve your emotional energy.

 When we realise that some people are always committed to misunderstanding us, we should stop wasting time and energy repeating ourselves and trying to prove our point.

When we realise that some people are engaging in hurtful behavioural patterns towards us, we should call them out and set healthy boundaries.

It is equally important for us to respect the boundaries set by others. We should also work on accepting no from others instead of trying to convince them to change their decisions.

Overthinking can emotionally drain us. Instead of creating false narratives in our minds, we should seek clarifications from others.

We should seek safe people with whom we can be vulnerable without having the fear of being judged or misunderstood.


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