Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Do you have a binge eating disorder? 5 tips to cope with it

 ultra-processed foods and depression 

It’s normal to gulp down food from your plate and polish it off when you are extremely famished. However, if binge eating food uncontrollably is a habit, you might need to hit pause to reconsider if this is normal. Gobbling down food in heavy quantities in one sitting and noticing this behavior to feel out of control is known as a binge eating disorder. Some of the other binge eating disorder symptoms include consuming food even when you feel full or not hungry, trying to eat alone secretively, excessive eating until you are uncomfortably full. It is one of the most common types of eating disorders. However, fret not! Everything has a solution.

Ways to deal with binge eating disorder

There are some ways in which one can work to control binge eating. Let’s find out!

1. Have food at the right intervals

People suffering from BED might give in to this perception that they can start skipping meals or start eating less in order to solve the underlying issue. However, as per the expert, the truth is one should always avoid skipping meals and ensure that one has food regularly to avoid the feeling of excessive hungriness that can lead one to overeat.

2. Identify your triggers and patterns

Eating disorders generally have triggers. The list could be endless from stress to maybe even a picture of food, poor self-body image, easy accessibility of favourite foods, etc. Try to identify those triggers and keep yourself under check to avoid those triggers and eat in moderate amounts. “Determine the patterns relate to the binge eating and check whether specific thoughts or emotions are associated with it,” suggests the expert.

3. Keep your stress levels under check

Stress eating is one of the most common types of eating disorders. High levels of stress always translate to binge eating and other unhealthy food habits. Try to follow your passion or join hobbies like yoga, meditation, aerobics, painting, or hit the gym regularly to keep stress at bay. When you tune down your stress levels, you naturally end up eating just enough or in moderation.


4. Rely on your support system

The expert says, “Find ways to express your experiences using any medium that you are comfortable with. Rely on your support system to share your experiences and concerns and find ways of coping with the situation.” You can take the help of friends or family to voice out the health concerns that have been constantly pestering you, and your loved ones will do their best to help you come out of such issues seamlessly.

5. Speak with an expert, if needed

If your binging does not stop or other challenges continue to raise levels of distress, then you can consult an expert who might give you better-coping mechanisms to heal from this issue.

The bottom line

Most people these days sedentary lifestyle, the outcome of which could be binge eating disorder. It’s something that can be easily treated by rectifying your lifestyle and managing your triggers. Seeking professional help is the best way to learn newer and better ways to cope up with the underlying issue.


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