Saturday, August 24, 2024

Building capacity within your nervous system: Psychologist shares tips

 The way our nervous system reacts to stress or trauma depends on a lot of factors. From our relationship with stress to the way we handle trauma to external factors, the nervous system goes into the fight, flight, freeze or fawn mode. Psychologist Kelly Vincent shared a few ways by which we can build capacity within our nervous system.

 Slow it down: One of the best things we can do when we feel too overwhelmed is to slow it down. Instead of getting too much into the rush, we should take a break. 

 Focus on connection: We can turn to the people we love and feel safe around. Focusing on the connections that we love can help us calm down.

 Educate yourself: We need to work on our own self-awareness and educate ourselves on why the nervous system is responding the way it is responding.

Take a second: We need to take a second or pause in the middle of a rough day to relax the nervous system and let it know that it is safe. 

Reduce sensory overload: We should try to reduce sensory overload by minimising notifications, noise and external stimuli around us.


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