Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Other simple ways to control your Blood Pressure

 stress health tip

 Listen to music and dance to your heart's content- don't bother if anyone looks too.

It is good to go for a walk and enjoy the nature, try to hear a bird's call and guess which bird is it, when you spot them, try to identify them. Look around at various trees, see God has created so many shades of green. Look at the shape of each tree, how unique they're. Feel the breeze on your body, how it refreshes you.

When you face a problem or worried about something, it is better to talk it out. Mostly men don't discuss about their problems with wife or with anyone else. They keep it to themselves and brood over it. This will make your BP go high. It is always best to talk it out what's bothering you. Also remember at times, we worry about things which may not happen and over which we've no control. When we've no control over a matter, there's no point worrying about it, leave it to God, prayers are the most effective tool God has given us. When you pray with a clean heart, your prayers are always answered. Don't think of God only at times of problems, at each morning thank God for another day, at each meal thank God for it, as millions of people around the world don't even get 1 proper meal. at the end of the day again thank God for having given us another day to do something good.

 When you breathe, learn to do abdominal breathing, i.e. when you inhale, your abdomen should bulge out, and as you breathe out you abdomen should go in. Be conscious of every breath you take, as life is uncertain, so don't sling on to anything or anyone, as then the loss is very difficult to bear.

Always think of those things which gave you happiness, forget totally about those events that made you sad, as there's no point thinking or brooding over the past bad thing, they'ld be erased from our memory for good.

When you meet your friends or relatives, give them a hug ( though it is not much practiced in India. Learn from our P.M., Mr. Modiji, the way he gives warm hugs to the world leaders whom he meets. By doing so, one passes on good vibration to others. Even the Pope wanted a hug from Modiji !

Every problem has a solution, try to look for it, than sinking what's going to happen. Use your brain to always find an answer, there will be a solution, only you've to use or focus your mind of the various solutions you may think of, and which one will give you the correct answer.

 SMILE- it is very important to keep smiling. When you smile at someone, you're showing your warmth and friendly attitude. Remember as much as you don't like to see a grumpy face nor do others. Spread warmth through your smile, just because you smiled another one will smile and soon there will be miles and miles of miles just because you smiled ! Wouldn't that make you happy !  😁



This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement  for infor on cancer and health related topics
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