Monday, March 11, 2024

Foods good, to avoid for those suffering from kidney diseases

 1. Water

Water is one of the most important drinks for the body. The cells use water to transport toxins into the bloodstream.

The kidneys then use water to filter these toxins and create the urine that transports them out of the body. Inadequate water intake can also increase the risk of developing kidney stones.

A person can support these functions by drinking whenever they feel thirsty. People can also get part of their daily water intake from various foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

Salmon, tuna, and other cold-water, fatty fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids can make a beneficial addition to any diet.

The body cannot make omega-3 fatty acids, meaning they have to come from a person’s diet. Fatty fish are a natural source of these healthful fats.

As the American Heart Association (AHA) notes, omega-3 fats may slightly lower blood pressure. As high blood pressure is a risk factor for kidney disease, finding natural ways to lower it may help protect the kidneys.

Sweet potatoes are similar to white potatoes, but their excess fiber may cause them to break down more slowly, resulting in less of a spike in blood sugar levels. Sweet potatoes also contain vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, that may help balance the levels of sodium in the body and reduce its effect on the kidneys.

However, as sweet potato is a high-potassium food, people who have CKD or are on dialysis may wish to limit their intake of this vegetable in order to reduce their potassium intake based on the instructions of their healthcare professional.

Dark leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and chard, are dietary staples that contain a wide variety of vitamins, fibers, and minerals. Many also contain protective compounds, such as antioxidants.

However, these foods also tend to be high in potassium, so they may not be suitable for people on a restricted diet.

Dark berries, which include strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are a great source of many helpful nutrients and antioxidant compounds. These may help protect the cells in the body from damage.

Berries are likely to be a better option than other sugary foods for satisfying a sweet craving.

An apple is a healthful snack that contains an important fiber called pectin. Pectin may help reduce some risk factors for kidney damage, such as high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Apples can also often satisfy a craving for sweets.

While the above foods may support a healthy kidney in general, they are not always the best choices for people with CKD.

Healthcare professionals typically recommend that people with CKD limit or avoid minerals that the kidneys process, such as sodium, potassium, and phosphorous.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) recommends that people with CKD eat less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily.

As CKD progresses, people may also need to limit their phosphorous intake, as this mineral can build up in the blood of people with this condition.

Choosing the right amount of potassium is also important for people with CKD, as problems may occur when potassium levels get too high or low.

People with CKD may need to aim to eat healthful foods that fit within their daily targes for these minerals but still provide the body with other nutrients.

It may also be important for people with CKD to reduce their protein intake and only include small amounts of protein in their meals. When the body uses protein, it turns into waste, which the kidneys must then filter out.

As a 2017 study notes, eating a diet lower in protein may protect against complications of CKD, such as metabolic acidosis, which occurs as kidney function deteriorates. The researchers indicated that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in protein might help reduce these risks. Protein is still an important macronutrient, especially to prevent muscle loss as a person ages.

For this an various other reasons, people with CKD should work directly with a dietitian to create a suitable diet plan that meets their needs.

1. Cabbage

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable that may be beneficial for people with CKD. It is relatively low in potassium and very low in sodium, yet it also contains many helpful compounds and vitamins.

2. Red bell peppers

In addition to being very low in minerals such as sodium and potassium, red bell peppers contain helpful antioxidant compounds, which may protect the cells from damage.

3. Garlic

Garlic is an excellent seasoning choice for people with CKD. It can give other foods a more satisfying, full flavor, which may reduce the need for extra salt. Garlic also offers a range of health benefits.

4. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a versatile vegetable for people with CKD. With the right preparation, it makes a good replacement for foods such as rice, mashed potatoes, and even pizza crust.

Cauliflower also contains a range of nutrients without providing too much sodium, potassium, or phosphorous.

5. Arugula

People with CKD may have to avoid many greens, but arugula can be a good replacement. Arugula is generally lower in potassium than other greens, but it still contains fiber and other beneficial nutrients.

6. Berries

The fruits below can be a healthful sweet snack for people with CKD:

It is important to limit these fruits to no more than a 1/2 cup serving. Eating larger portions can make it so they are no longer low potassium options.

7. Olive oil

Olive oil may be the best cooking oil because of the type of fat that it contains. Olive oil is high in oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fatty acid that may help reduce inflammation in the body.

8. Egg whites

Eggs are a simple protein, but the yolks are very high in phosphorous. People with CKD can make omelets or scrambled eggs using just the egg whites.

Foods for people with CKD to avoid or limit

For people with CKD, some foods may be difficult for the body to process and might place more stress on the kidneys. These include:

There are several foods that people may wish to limit or avoid if they want to improve their kidney health or prevent damage to these organs.

These include the following:

Phosphorous-rich foods

Too much phosphorus can put stress on the kidneys. Animal studies have shown that there is a correlation between high phosphorous intake and an increased risk of long-term damage to the kidneys.

However, there is not enough evidence to prove that phosphorous causes this damage, so more research into this topic is necessary.

For people looking to reduce their phosphorous intake, try limiting foods that contain phosphorous as a preservative.

  • fast foods
  • ready to eat foods
  • canned and bottled drinks
  • enhanced meats
  • and most processed foods

However, not everyone will need to limit their phosphorus intake. They should speak with a dietician if they have any questions or concerns.

Red meat

Some types of protein may be harder for the kidneys, or the body in general, to process. These include red meat.

Initial research has shown that people who eat a lot of red meat have a higher risk of end-stage kidney disease than those who eat less red meat. However, there is a need for more studies to investigate this.

Here are some frequently asked questions about kidneys and diet.

What can you eat with kidney failure?

Consuming fresh foods may be beneficial for kidney health, as it can help a person avoid excess sodium. Heart-healthy foods may also help. These include lean cuts of meat, fish, beans, and low fat or fat-free cheese and yogurt.

What should you not eat if you have kidney failure?

It is best to avoid foods high in sodium if a person has kidney failure. Processed, prepackaged, and canned foods are often high in sodium. Reading nutrition labels can help a person monitor their sodium intake.

A person may also need to reduce their phosphorus intake. Foods lower in phosphorus include fresh fruits and vegetables, breads, rice, pasta, rice and corn cereals, and rice milk that is not enriched.



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