Vitamin B1 Effective for Migraine Prevention
As common as they are, migraines are not
well understood by both experts and ordinary people. Nearly 15% of the
world population have migraines, with women having double the risk of
experiencing them.
Although we’re well aware that certain foods can trigger migraines in
some people, scientists do not agree regarding a specific dietary
supplement that could help reduce one’s risk of a migraine. An exciting
new finding in this realm of research has been discovered recently. The
study claims that vitamin B1 can reduce the risk of migraines.
Nutrition and migraines

First things first, let’s establish that
migraines are not the same as headaches. Although a major pounding or
throbbing headache is often a symptom of a migraine, it’s not always
present. Migraines are a chronic neurological disease that causes light
and sound sensitivity, numbness, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, fatigue,
visual disturbances, and even speech impairments.
Thus, saying that headaches and migraines are the same is a massive
understatement. Clear other migraine misconceptions here - The Biggest
Migraine Myths You Should Be Aware Of.
Researchers have been trying to link specific nutrients to a decreased
risk of migraines for decades. Previous studies have claimed that a diet
high in vitamin D, omega-3 fats, and vitamin B2 might reduce one’s
likelihood of getting migraines. It is for this reason that physicians
sometimes recommend vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and not vitamin B1, to
prevent migraines in people who get them often.

n a surprising turn of events, it was not
vitamin B2 but its cousin, thiamine (vitamin B1) that lowered the risk
of migraines in a large study published recently in the Headache
journal. The research drew data from a survey that included 13,439
people and found that vitamin B1 cut the frequency of migraines by 7%,
especially in women. The same study found no association between vitamin
B2 and migraines.
How can Vitamin B1 reduce migraines?
Although this was the first large study to confirm the link between
migraine prevention and vitamin B1, there was some previous research
hinting at this connection. A 2016 case report revealed that vomiting
caused by migraine can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency and more migraines.
According to this case study, vitamin B1 supplements could be used to
break this migraine cycle.

It’s also important to note that vitamin B1
deficiency often causes symptoms similar to those of migraine:
Nausea and vomiting
No appetite
Skin numbness
Pins and needles sensation in the hands and face
Scientists say that it’s a bit too early to recommend vitamin B1 as a
prevention strategy for migraine at this point. We still need other
studies to confirm these findings. That said, those who experience
migraines are encouraged to pay more attention to the amount of vitamin
B1 in their foods or check their thiamine levels on the next routine
health check.
Some of the best sources of thiamin include:
Whole grains
Beef, pork, fish, and liver
Spinach and kale.
Finally, note that Vitamin B1 is present in countless foods, so the vast
majority of people probably don’t need to take supplements to reach
their daily levels of this vitamin. Talk to your doctor to assess your
levels of vitamins or any other migraine treatments.