Thursday, March 31, 2022

Surprising activities that can damage your cardiovascular system

Your heart health can be affected by various factors. Apart from the commonly known factors such as diet, underlying health conditions, etc, there are certain surprising activities that aren't popularly known for their heart-damaging effects. These activities may seem harmless at times but if carried out unmoderated, they can cause severe damage to the heart.

Heart damaging activities
Here are some surprising activities that can damage heart health:
  1. Being lonely: Loneliness is not the same as being alone. While being alone can be peaceful at times, loneliness has the opposite effect and can take a significant toll on mental health. This can impact the cardiovascular system directly.
  2. Exercising too much or too less: It is a known fact that physical activity can have a significant effect on the heart. But did you know that there's a sweet spot that one needs to achieve to reap the benefits of their physical efforts? It's true. Too much or too little of exercise can cause heart damage due to strain on the heart and physical inactivity, respectively.
  3. Relationships, well the bad ones: The people you surround yourself with can affect you both physically and mentally. Going through a rough patch in a relationship, be it with your parents, friends, or significant other, can put you through quite a stressful situation. Any stress can be dangerous for heart health.
  4. Excessive screen time: Has bingeing tightened its grip over your schedule lately? If yes then be cautious before it gets a hold of your health. An increase in screen time implies an increase in physical inactivity due to long hours of sitting, blue light exposure, deteriorated sleep schedule, etc. The shortcomings combined, excessive screen time can impact your heart health adversely.
  5. Your working hours: Is your shift hampering your sleep schedule? If yes then your working hours could be affecting your heart health. A deteriorated circadian cycle can not only have adverse effects on the cardiovascular system, but can also lead to hormonal imbalances.


This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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