Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Nutrients That Make Body Block Cancer Metastasis

As you probably know, most types of cancer are preventable. Up to 85% of the people diagnosed daily in the United States suffer some form of cancer that is caused by unhealthy life choices. Diet plays a huge role in both cancer prevention and metastasis. Researchers argue that more than a quarter of the cancer-related deaths are due to poor diet alone.

Research shows that plant-based foods contain chemoprotective properties. The phytochemicals contained in these cancer-preventing foods interfere with inflammation that can lead to the development of cancer. Certain nutrients in food are known to both prevent cancer and reverse the spread of cancerous cells. These are the 15 nutrients you should incorporate into your diet to ward off or reverse the effects of cancer.


This flavonoid is an antioxidant that has cancer-reversing characteristics. Antioxidants, in general, help in enhancing our immune systems and detox pathways, but apigenin is among some of the most effective antioxidant types. This antioxidant can be found in grapefruit, green peppers, celery, and onions.



Curcumin is the chemical compound which gives turmeric its amazing yellow color. Turmeric has been used in ancient Chinese medicine. Today, we find curcumin practically everywhere – from traditional Indian dishes to store-bought pickles. It contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are built to combat cancer.



The cancer-fighting properties of EGCG have been researched for more than 30 years now. Even though no link has been established between an increased intake of EGCG and a decreased chance of developing cancer, it is known to bind itself to cancer-spreading proteins, rending them immobile and ineffective. It is a polyphenolic compound that has also been used as an active ingredient in ancient Chinese medicines. Nowadays, you can find high concentrations of EGCG in green tea.


Another flavonoid known to fight and prevent cancer is luteolin. It is commonly found in green peppers, celery, and chamomile teas. Research has seen its antioxidant effects in protecting lungs, heart tissue, liver, and is also known to protect our bodies from cancer activity.


This is a super-effective antioxidant which triggers our body’s detoxification pathways. Optimal intake of this antioxidant prevents cell proliferation and tumor growth. It also has cancer-fighting properties which are most effective against breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. This antioxidant is found in raspberries, dark cherries, cocoa powder, and blackberries.


This is one of the most effective chemoprotective nutrients which prevent stops free radicals and tumor development. Sulforaphane reduces the risk of inflammation and cancer growth by enhancing natural detoxification which results in a stronger immune system. This nutrient prevents the metastasis of spleen cancer, colon cancer, and stomach cancer. Eat more cauliflowers, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and kale.

Vitamin D

This is an essential vitamin in the production of cancer-combating proteins known as GcMAF. These proteins delay and even reverse metastasis, helping cancer patients and people with increased risk of cancer in their fight against the deadly disease. Vitamin D is required to support GcMAF synthesis. Increase your intake of vitamin D by drinking whole milk and eating mushrooms.

Ursolic Acid

This phytonutrient enables apoptosis which stifles the replication of impaired DNA, development of tumors, and the spread of other cell abnormalities. An increased intake of this acid is known to effectively fight and reverse the effects of cervix cancer, skin cancer, and breast cancer. This nutrient is found in basil, oregano, and apple skins.

Long Chain Omega-3

This is a fatty acid which doesn’t cause obesity. In fact, it’s essential for living a healthy life, free of cancer. It even has anti-cancer properties that help block metastasis, decreasing the rate of abnormal cell spreading. This fatty acid is found in wild salmon, cod, and walnuts.


Carotenoids are the pigments which give plant-based foods their lively orange, yellow, and green hues. This acts as an antioxidant which helps against free radicals, cancer development, and is even known to delay metastasis. Foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, and cantaloupes are rich with this pigment.

Vitamin E

This vitamin type is an important building block in creating an effective immune system which prevents cancer and makes it better armed to prevent and reverse metastasis. Research shows that people with low vitamin E intake are at a higher risk of developing cancer. Palm oil, almonds, and butternut squash are all rich in vitamin E.


This is another naturally-forming chemical compound which gives plant-based foods their beautiful red color. It’s also a radical-fighting antioxidant which servers to keep cancer cells at bay. Lycopene-rich foods include watermelons, tomatoes, and apricots.


This is an organosulfur compound which stimulates the natural defenses of our immune system. This compound helps keep us free of common illnesses as well as more serious health conditions such as cancer. You’ll know of allicin from its powerful smell from foods like garlic, onions, and chives.


This is a water-soluble pigment that makes organic fruits and vegetables appear red, purple, or blue, depending on their pH. Extracts with high concentrations of anthocyanin are often used in cancer patients to treat metastasis and reoccurrence of cancerous cells. This pigment is found in blueberries, black raspberries, and bilberries.


This is a plant-based compound that has numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. They help is keeping cancer contained in a local area, preventing the spread of compromised cells to healthy parts of your body. Soy-based products have extremely high levels of phytoestrogen.


This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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