It’s Essential that We Debunk These Antibiotic Myths!
In 1945 Howard Florey and Alexander Fleming
were awarded a Nobel Prize in Medicine for their role in creating the
first mass-produced antibiotic. Antibiotics were indeed a great
breakthrough in the world of medicine - when used properly and safely,
these powerful agents can be life-saving.
However, there are a few common
misconceptions about antibiotics, bacteria, and antibiotic resistance
that can often lead to harmful misuse. In this article, we’ll discuss
the most persistent myths regarding antibiotics that healthcare
providers want you to stop believing.
1. Myth: The body can become resistant to antibiotics
This is one of the most common
misconceptions surrounding antibiotics. Antibiotics stop bacterial
infections by killing the bacteria or preventing them from reproducing.
It isn’t your body but rather the bacteria that can become resistant to
antibiotics. Bacteria can even pass this resistance on to each other via
genetic 'darts'.
When antibiotics aren't taken correctly, the risk of new strains of
resistant bacteria forming increases. “If the bacteria aren’t fully
destroyed, you may get sick again. And the bacteria that remain can
mutate and develop resistance to the antibiotic.” explained Dr. Benjamin
N. Gilmore of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. That’s why
you’re always told to complete the prescribed treatment plan even if you
start feeling better.
However, the notion that it's impossible to
develop antibiotic resistance as a result of correct use isn’t true
either. Appropriate use applies the same selective pressure as does
inappropriate use, so resistant bacteria can potentially form even if
the antibiotics are taken correctly. The difference is that we can and
should stop inappropriate use because it offers no benefit. In contrast,
the benefits of the appropriate use of antibiotics significantly
outweigh the risks.
2. Myth: If you've never taken antibiotics you cannot get a resistant
While having taken antibiotics in the past
does increase your risk of getting an antibiotic-resistant infection, it
is possible for someone who has never taken antibiotics to get one too.
Around 10% of the population carries resistant bacteria in their bodies,
according to Antibiotics Research UK. These resistant strains can arise
in a number of ways, including spontaneously, and through transmission
from person to person.
3. Myth: It's okay to use someone else’s leftover antibiotics
Antibiotics should only be taken when
they’ve been specifically prescribed for you. You might have a friend or
family member that had the same symptoms as you and were treated with
antibiotics. Or you might suffer from an issue you are already familiar
with and have been prescribed antibiotics in the past for it. Either
way, taking someone else’s or your own leftover antibiotics without
consulting a doctor is never a good idea.
According to several healthcare providers, it’s a lot harder to help
patients who have already taken antibiotics without being diagnosed,
because It can be difficult to tell which symptoms are from the actual
illness and which are side effects from the medication.
4. Antibiotics can be used to treat colds and flu
The common cold and the flu are caused by
viruses, not bacteria, therefore antibiotics are not a suitable
treatment for these illnesses. Bacteria and viruses are two different
microorganisms. The main difference between the two is that bacteria can
live in almost any conceivable environment, including the human body,
while viruses are a non-living collection of molecules that need a host,
like the human cells, to survive. In other words, while bacteria are
normal living creatures, viruses are parasites that cannot exist on
their own. As such, they are usually much smaller than bacteria.
Taking antibiotics against viral infections like the cold and the flu is
ineffective at best, and in some cases could even make you feel worse.
There are some ailments - such as pneumonia, meningitis, and diarrhea -
that can be caused by either bacteria or viruses. You should always see a
doctor if you have a high fever (over 101°F\38.5°C) and your symptoms
linger for a period longer than 7 days. These can be signs that your
symptoms might not be viral and that you have a bacterial infection.
5. If you don't take your antibiotics correctly it does not affect anyone but you
As we established, misuse of antibiotics
increases the risk of resistant strains forming. The problem is that by
allowing this, you don’t just harm your own health but you put others at
risk too, as these new strains can now infect other people.
Antibiotic resistance has become a worldwide health threat, according to
the CDC. In fact, this crisis seems to be worsening recently due to the
Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the fact that Covid-19 is a viral infection,
research shows the use of antibiotics has steadily increased along with
cases. Of those taking the antibiotics, 79–96% reported not having been
infected with Covid-19 but were apparently taking antibiotics
inappropriately, believing it would prevent infection.
According to the WHO, 15% of Covid patients develop a bacterial
co-infection and might need antibiotic treatment to survive. Appropriate
use of antibiotics is crucial to society so that they work when people
at high risk, such as those patients, really need them. Dr. Nino
Berdzuli, director of the WHO put it best when he said "Everyone has a
role to play as an antibiotic guardian".