Wednesday, May 19, 2021

If You Want to Be Well, Here's What You Need to Do

Many think that wellness is the same as health. That's not exactly the case. Wellness is what comes after good health. Good health makes you feel normal, wellness makes you feel better than you were, both physically and mentally. This doctor had something to say on the subject, and it's well worth listening to...

Wise words about your outlook on life-

1) Forget each kindness that you do, as soon as you've done it.

2) Forget the praise that falls to you, the moment you've won it.

3) Forget the slander that you hear, before you can repeat it.

4) Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer, wherever you may meet it.

5) Remember every kindness done to you, whatever its  measure.

6) Remember praise by others won, and pass it on with pleasure.

7)Remember every promise made, and keep it to the letter.

8) Remember those who lend you aid, and be a grateful debtor.

9) Remember all the happiness , that comes your way in living.

10) Forget each worry and distress, be hopeful and forgiving.

11) Remember good, remember truth, remember Heaven's above you.

12) And you'll find, through age and youth, true joy and hearts to love you.

13) Allow yourself to share the truth, if it's wise, just to spread it out.

14) So you too my friend, can value it, whenever you're in doubt.

 being well, spirituality

being well, spirituality

being well, spirituality

being well, spirituality

being well, spirituality

being well, spirituality

being well, spirituality

being well, spirituality

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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