Thursday, March 04, 2021

These people can spread COVID-19 faster than others, according to study

These people can spread COVID-19 faster than others, according to study

Even though vaccination has begun across the world, we are still facing an upsurge in the number of people testing positive for COVID-19.

Lax measures, crowding and COVID fatigue can be to blame. However, another prime reason for the rising number of cases are superspreaders, ones spreading the contagious virus more than the others.

While the symptoms and presentation of the disease can be different for everyone, it has been known that there are some people who are more likely to spread COVID-19 to others, and possibly, fuel the spread of the pandemic. 

What defines a COVID superspreader?

COVID-19 transmits from one person onto another via respiratory droplets that collect on surfaces, which then spreads when a person touches the contaminated surface and then his mouth, nose or eyes. It can also spread via air if an infected person in your close vicinity sneezed or coughed.

While it is very easy for anyone to spread coronavirus, and equally easy for a person to catch the virus, through the course of the pandemic, it has been seen that only a few people or categories of people are responsible for the massive spread of the virus. Simply put, while some spread the virus to just a few, thre are other who are at risk of infecting huge groups, or spread the virus on a community level.

These are what scientists define as ‘superspreaders’ of the virus, or simply, a super emitter of the infection.

While what exactly makes a person a superspreader hasn't been investigated, but, epidemiologists believe the way a virus or any pathogen spreads is impacted by certain factors- including attributes like the shape of one’s body, and certain behaviours, such as loud talking or breathing fast, appear to have a major role in spreading the disease.

The above-mentioned factors may also determine how some people may be silently spreading the virus onto others.

In fact, the findings of the superspreader group also come at an interesting time, when the newer variants, considered to be more transmissible and many times more infectious are making deadly waves across the world.

According to studies, these are the people who have the highest risk of spreading the disease right now.

People with a higher BMI

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has observed that people suffering from obesity, that is the ones who have a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) are more at risk of spreading COVID onto others.

The reason? People with high BMI are capable of exhaling out more respiratory droplets in the air, which can host infectious coronavirus particles.

The findings come after a survey involving 194 individuals was done, which observed that people who had higher BMI levels exhaled more bio aerosols than the ones who had a controlled BMI. 

Older adults with higher BMI also at risk

The rate of expulsion also significantly increased for the ones older in age, with higher BMI levels. As scientists have observed, frail or weakened immunity, along with more respiratory particles generated put this category at an exponentially higher risk too.

Young adults

Previous researchers have also seen that there's another category at risk - the young adults.

According to findings, not only do younger adults face a higher risk of catching the new COVID variant, they are more likely to miss out on symptom detection, can act as asymptomatic spreaders or silently go on spreading symptoms in the community.

Lack of preventive measures, such as flouting mask-wearing rules, incoherence to rules can also make them susceptible to the virus.

What's the best way to stay safe then?

Avoiding or isolating high-risk groups may not be a good option. Truth be told, you may never be able to pinpoint where exactly did you catch the virus from, despite measures and what studies say.

The best way to safeguard yourself from the virus remains to wear a good quality mask that covers your face, practice frequent hand-hygiene, make social distancing a part of your life and most importantly, getting vaccinated as and when it is available for you.

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