Thursday, March 04, 2021

People suffering from rheumatoid conditions must get COVID-19 shots at the earliest

People of all age groups are equally prone to getting infected from contagious coronavirus, but those with compromised immunity are much more at risk than others. The weak internal system increases the risk of contagion and makes symptoms even worse. For the same reason, these people need to stay extra safe and get their vaccine jab at the earliest. While a lot of health conditions may qualify for early access to the COVID-19 vaccination, as per experts there is one common medical issue in which it is more important to get the jab: Rheumatoid.

​​What experts have to say

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) on February 8 released a guideline in which they clearly stated that people suffering from an autoimmune and inflammatory rheumatic disease (AIIRD) should be prioritised for vaccination before it is made available to the general population of similar age and sex. The institution stated that people with this health condition may have more severe complications than others if they get infected with the new strain of coronavirus.

​Why rheumatoid patients are more at risk

This college has urged this because most of the rheumatoid-related conditions are inflammatory or autoimmune diseases that are linked with one's weak immune system. This includes conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Experts in the field suggested that these people may develop severe complications and their chances of getting hospitalised is even much higher than others. Besides, the medication they take regularly to manage their condition may also put them at higher risk as they are autoimmune suppressant. Immunosuppressants can help manage the condition, but might also increase the susceptibility to infectious diseases.

The right way to get the vaccination for rheumatoid patients

Generally, two shots of coronavirus vaccinations are given to an individual at an interval of a week or 15 days. It typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity and provide protection against the virus after getting the jab. During this time, doctors may reduce the medication of those suffering from rheumatoid conditions so that the body can develop immunity. This can help the patient by maximising their immune response to the vaccine.

Side effects of COVID vaccine

Till now no evidence has been found that getting the shot can lead to any side-effect for people with rheumatoid conditions. There is certainly doubt among people whether the COVID shot will work on rheumatoid patients or not as they are already on autoimmune suppressant. But experts haven't been able to confirm anything in this regard. Besides, they believe that some amount of protection is far better than none.

In general, after getting vaccinated people experience muscle pains, fever, and joint aches, but these outcomes just indicate that the vaccine is working. The redness and pain go away after a few days. It is a matter of concern only if the redness or tenderness where you got the shot increases after 24 hours or your side effects do not seem to be going away after a few days.eadmore

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