Foods and Drinks That Can Damage Your Teeth
We all want a nice healthy smile, and we do
everything in our power to ensure this – we visit the dentist
regularly, we refuse to consume too many sugary foods, and we do our
best to maintain a healthy diet. However, foods that seem to be safe
often turn out to be very damaging to your teeth.
1. White Wine
Lovers of white wine have to make an important decision: their favorite
beverage or healthy enamel. The second option should be the obvious
choice if you don’t want hypersensitive or fragile teeth.
2. Chips
Chips contain carbohydrates that turn into glucose under the influence
of saliva. This can cause a trivial but dangerous cavity. Another thing
that chips leave is dental plaque, so don’t forget to brush your teeth
after you have a snack.
3. Chewing Gum
Sugar-free gum might seem safe for teeth, but it still has a destructive
influence on dental crowns, fillings, and bridges. To add to this, when
you chew gum, saliva production increases, leading to alkali
production. This will erode fillings and dental enamel.
4. Popcorn
You should consider watching a movie without popcorn because every pack
contains seeds that didn’t pop. These seeds can damage dental crowns and
weak teeth. Furthermore, this sweet food consists of carbohydrates that
form harmful glucose.
5. Tomatoes
Just like citrus fruits, tomatoes are acidic. This is true not just for
fresh tomatoes, but also for different sauces. This acid damages teeth a
lot and increases dental sensitivity. Therefore, you should avoid
cooking dishes that contain tomatoes too often.
6. Bread, Macaroni, and Potatoes
Starchy foods stick to the teeth and stay in the mouth for longer. The
starch then acts as a breeding ground for dental plaque. To add to this.
Starch turns into sugar when it comes into contact with saliva, leading
to cavities and other serious issues.
7. Dried Fruit
Dried apricots, sugar plums, and other
dried fruit are harmful to teeth because of their sticky structure. The
sugar will stick to your teeth, causing cavities and damaging enamel.
8. Tea
Tea contains caffeine, which has some negative effects on your body, but
not your teeth. There is a lot less fluorine in tea than coffee, but it
does a lot of damage to your teeth. Fluorine is necessary for the human
body, but when there’s too much of it, it affects the health of bones
and teeth. Therefore, to be safe, don’t drink more than 4 cups a day,
and don’t binge on cheap teabags.