Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Excess intake of sugar can multiply cancer cells, claims a new study

Sugar intake can lead to growth of cancerous cells

Sugar does not enjoy a good reputation when it comes to health - it is blamed for your large waistline, increased risk of acne, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. If these reasons were not enough then there is another reason to abandon your sweet tooth once and for all. As per Belgian researchers, sugar could also incite the growth of cancer tumours in the body.

​How sugar affects you

In the nine-year-long study recently published in the journal Nature Communications, the researchers closely observed yeast cells in the lab, which act like cancerous cell. At the end of the study, they concluded that the yeast cells fermentation process leads to their multiplication and expansion.

The study helped to conclude that the cancerous cells present in the body get energy from fermented sugar, which is referred to as the Warburg effect. This process is quite unlike the growth of non-cancerous cells, which use oxygen to convert glucose into energy for the body.

The Belgian researchers revealed that sugar that we consume awakens the existing cancer cells in the body and causes rapid growth of the tumour.

​Previous studies

This is not the first study that has linked sugar with the growth of cancerous cells. Similar studies in the part revealed that consuming large amounts of sugar can increase the risk of a certain type of cancer, including esophageal cancer. Eating too much sugar can also lead to weight gain and increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and cancer. It is still unclear how the cancer cells behave like this, but scientists believe that this evidence can help to plan the diet for cancer patients.

​What happens to your body when you quit sugar

Giving up on sugar is very challenging and requires strong will-power. But once you break out of the vicious cycle of sugar craving, your health and skin will gradually improve and you will be easily able to see the difference. Here are three great things that can happen to you once you quit sugar.

Your skin will improve

A high amount of sugar in your bloodstream can hinder the repair of skin's collagen, the protein that keeps your skin looking plump. Excessive sugar in the diet can also reduce the elasticity of the skin and leads to premature wrinkles. Studies suggest that reducing sugar intake can make your skin look younger and slow down the ageing process. 

Other benefits

You will drop kilos

High sugar intake is commonly linked with weight gain. Controlling your craving can make it easier for you to lose fat, particularly from the abdominal area. Excessive fat accumulation in the mid-section gives way to different health concerns like diabetes, high cholesterol and others.

Your energy will last longer

Sugar is nothing more than simple carbs, which simply means that they're digested fast and enter your bloodstream quickly. This leads to the sugar rush and instant increase in energy. But when this sugar is metabolised, it leads to an energy slump. Once you will give away sugar for good, you will not have to deal with this problem.

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