Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Coronavirus: Foods you should avoid if you have COVID

There is nothing better than reaching out for your comfort food when you are sick. Comfort foods help in soothing our soul and keeping our spirits high. But some of the comfort foods can do the opposite by making the symptoms worse.

As per the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, when one is sick they should eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, like vitamin D and C and zinc for a speedy recovery. Eating foods rich in these particular nutrients is even important if you have caught COVID-19 infection.

For faster recovery, here is a list of foods that must be avoided. These foods promote inflammation and interfere with the healing process.


Processed packaged foods

If you have caught the COVID-19 infection, foods high in sodium, full of additives, added sugars and preservatives are the last things you should reach out for. All these foods are known to cause inflammation, which can interfere with the healing process.

High inflammation also increases the load on the immune system, leaving you more susceptible to diseases and illness.

One must not eat potato chips and other similar packaged foods items that sneakily hide a lot of sodium.

​Red meat

Red meat should not be consumed often, either you have COVID-19 or not. It is rich in saturated fat, which again promotes inflammation. Instead, add foods that have monounsaturated fats. Avocados, olive oil and fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon are rich in monounsaturated fats. For protein, instead of fish, opt for plant-based protein like beans and lentils.

Fried foods

Deep-fried foods are high in fat and often consumed in excess. These foods can wreak havoc in your body increasing the burden on the already loaded immune system. Fried foods negatively impact your gut microbiome and suppress the immune function. These foods also increase bad cholesterol, which increases the risk of various cardiovascular diseases.

Sugary beverages

Added sugar causes inflammation in the body. While following an anti-inflammatory diet, sugary beverages must be avoided. Say a big no to carbonated drinks and soda to help your body heal.

​Spicy foods

It is advised to avoid spicy food when you have a cold, cough or flu. This is because spicy foods irritate the throat and make you cough even more. If you have congestion, have hot soup and drinks to clear the sinuses. Go for milder drinks.


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