Friday, December 04, 2020

5 nutrients that can help increase your red blood cell count

These nutrients should be an essential part of your diet

Do you often feel extremely tired even after a peaceful sleep at night? Or do you suddenly experience blackout in the middle of the day? If you experience these conditions often, then it can be a sign of a serious medical condition known as anaemia, which in general terms means your red blood cell (RBC) count is low.

RBC is responsible for transporting oxygen to a different part of the body and when its count is low, your body has to work harder to deliver oxygen throughout the body. This can put you at the risk of developing complications like depression, premature delivery, high risk of infection and other. To overcome this issue naturally, include nutrients that help in the production of RBC. Here are 5 nutrients that must be an essential part of your diet. 

Iron-rich foods

Iron deficiency is a common cause of anaemia and to overcome this include more iron-rich foods. This nutrient helps to boost the production of haemoglobin, a protein found on red blood cells, which in turn, increases the count of RBC. Red meat, legumes, eggs, beans and dried fruits are some common sources of iron.


Folate is a type of vitamin B, needed to make red and white blood cells in the bone marrow. The supplement of folate is known as folic acid. Our body uses folate to produce heme, an essential component of haemoglobin. Lack of this nutrient can prevent maturing of the red blood cells. Leafy green vegetables like spinach, peas and lentils are some excellent sources of folate.

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 has an important role to play in the formation of the RBC. Deficiency of this nutrient can lead to abnormal development of RBC and prevent their growth, which is termed as megaloblastic anaemia. This nutrient is primarily formed in the dairy products and animal-based sources of foods like red meat, fish, and shellfish. Besides, breakfast cereals are also fortified with vitamin B12.


Copper does not directly help in the production of RBC, but it assists RBC to access iron, required to replicate itself. Less intake of copper can make the entire process difficult. Eating copper-rich foods like shellfish, cherries, and fish can make the production of RBC easy. 

​Vitamin C

Just like copper, vitamin c also does not directly affect the production of the RBC, but improves the absorption of iron in the body. Having vitamin C rich foods are especially important when you are having plant-based foods to fulfil your iron intake level. Pairing vitamin C rich foods with non-heme source iron can help your body absorb more iron.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement


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