Friday, December 04, 2020

Foods That Will Keep Your Heart Healthy As Can Be

Following a healthy lifestyle can be somewhat intimidating, what with all the health trends and different opinions about what is and isn’t healthy. It’s hard to tell what really is good for you. To help you begin your journey on the right foot, we’ve compiled a list of foods that will help you improve your health, especially your heart. We made sure to have a wide variety of foods so that you have lots to choose from and so you won’t feel deprived. The key to living a healthy lifestyle is balance. If you deprive yourself completely, you might feel too constricted and then end up binge-eating. To avoid that, you can follow the 80/20 rule: 80% of your diet should consist of healthy foods, and the other 20% can be treats. This way you’ll be able to stay on the health wagon for the long term rather than for just a short amount of time. Of course, you should always discuss health with your doctor, as they know best what will help you specifically.

Dragon Fruit

This fiery fruit is rich in phytonutrients, nutrients, calcium, iron, antioxidants, carotene, protein, vitamin C, polyunsaturated (good) fatty acids and B vitamin. This tropical fruit not only tastes delicious and can boost your immune system, it also contains a phytochemical called captin. This is often added to medicines that may help alleviate heart problems.


These earthy nuts are packed with antioxidants, good fats and plant sterols, which can help keep your ticker in top shape. Interestingly, pistachios are also packed with protein, potassium and are cholesterol free.


As well as spicing up your latte, pumpkins are also loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. The orange super-food hero also contains the pro-vitamin beta-carotene, phytoestrogens, fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. This means pumpkins are great to help boost your immunity, eye health, weight loss, manage your cholesterol, blood pressure and improve your overall heart health. 

Tomato Sauce

As a tangy accompaniment to any dish, a tasty pizza base or a great dipping sauce, there’s nothing that beats a mean tomato sauce. Actually tomato juice is has been found to reduce blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and contains lots of lycopene, which can help make your skin look younger, help reduce the risk of heart disease or suffering a heart attack.

Brussel Sprouts

Don’t let your childhood fears hold you back, brussel sprouts are actually delicious and bursting with nutrition. As a member of the cruciferous family, these healthy super sprouts contain glucosinolates, protein, iron and potassium. This means they can help detox your body, combat cancer and boost your overall heart health.


This tangy, heart-healthy snacks make a delicious topper to any pizza, pasta or salad. In fact olives are packed with a special monounsaturated fat, antioxidants and nutrients, which cam help with weightloss, increase good cholesterol and prevent heart disease.


This exotic spice has been used in traditional medicine throughout the generations. In fact, recent studies have shown that cinnamon is one of the most delicious and healthiest spices around. The wonder spice is packed with fiber, calcium and manganese that can regulate glucose levels, lower cholesterol, improves cognition and reduce the risk of heart disease.


As one of the healthiest and addictive snacks around, edamame is packed with nutrition. As part of a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet, edamame contains plant protein and tons of folate, fiber and cholesterol-lowering phytosterols. This means the soy protein can help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.

Collard Greens

The earthy collard green family is actually expansive and includes bok choy, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, rutabaga, and even turnips. These leafy heroes are low in calories and bursting with Vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin. This means they are great to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.


Surprisingly this refreshing and natural super-drink is actually also great for your overall health and heart. So it’s well worth remembering to properly hydrate each day. Water can help boost your metabolism, body weight, brain, mood, and keeps your heart pumping, so is essential for your heart health.


Oranges are a delicious and refreshing way start your new health-kick. The thirst-quenching fruit is bursting with vitamin C, fiber and nutrients and contains high levels of a soluble fiber called pectin, which helps absorbs cholesterol in foods. The super fruit is also packed with potassium, which can help lower blood pressure and sodium intake and neutralize proteins that lead to heart scar tissue or heart failure.


As one of the heartiest members of the cabbage family, this leafy green is also bursting with nutrients that can help maintain your cardiovascular system and even prevent heart disease. Although kale is sometimes a little harder to source, the health benefits make it well worth it. Kale is actually one of the most heart-boosting vegetables, loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. We should also tell you that it’s low in fat and calories, which is why we’re already obsessed with adding it to every meal!


While garlic might be known as a natural repellent for vampires, it can also double as a heart-boosting superfood. As a staple addition to most cooking recipes, garlic can help lower the plaque level in your arteries and reduce blood pressure. Garlic can also reduce the enzymes which can constrict your blood vessels. If consumed in pill-form, studies also show that garlic can reduce the plaque build-up in arteries by up to 50%.

Red Wine

As the perfect way to help relax and unwind after a long day or the perfect accompaniment to your fave dish, the occasional glass of red wine could help chase the doctor away. Actually, according to some experts, drinking red wine in moderation can actually help boost your HDL levels and prevent a build up of cholesterol. Red wine also contains anti-oxidants which can prevent coronary heart disease and can help reduce blood clots by ensuring your blood vessels stay flexible. Well if the experts say so…


Good news for chocoholics! The sweet treat can not only give you an instant happy fix, it can also help reduce your risk of heart disease and strokes! One study from Harvard found that people who consumed regular amounts of raw cocoa had lower blood pressure and no signs of hyper tension. Since dark chocolate is naturally rich in antioxidants known as flavnols, eating it in moderation can help boost blood vessel flexibility, lower your blood pressure, and ultimately prevent heart-related diseases.


While sardines may be an acquired taste for some, studies have shown that the cold fish is actually loaded with healthy heart-boosting nutrients. In fact, sardines are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which can decrease the levels of harmful triglyceride, increase the levels of protective HDL or good cholesterol, decrease inflammation and eventually help prevent heart disease.


As a delicious way to spice up any salad or dish, lentils also have some added health benefits. Studies have revealed that people who consume a rich diet of legumes like lentils or beans have less risk of developing heart disease or strokes. In fact, lentils are a good source of protein, magnesium and potassium, and can help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the risk of plaque in the blood vessels.


As arguably one of the most tastiest members of the nut family, studies show that almonds are also loaded with healthy nutrients that can help boost your memory, intelligence and reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease. So eating a handful of almonds can help lower cholesterol and due to a high level of plant sterols, prevent the absorption of harmful LDL and slash the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Pomegranates can add a refreshing twist to any smoothie, shake or salad. You may not be aware that these superfoods are also bursting with a unique blend of antioxidants that can help protect against oxidation of plaque in the artery walls and prevent heart disease. Studies also show the unique fruit can also help prevent strokes, prostate cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s, as well as promote healthy skin, joints, dental and liver health.


Blueberries are bursting with superfood-rich nutrients and anti-oxidants. Studies show that eating three servings of blueberries or other berries per week can also help reduce the build up of cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, protect against the build up of plaque on the arterial walls. The scrumptious super fruit can also help eliminate some of the causes of cancer, as well as reducing the risk of heart disease.


These purple superstars are packed with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, including plant alkaloid called betaine and B-vitamin folate. While beets are a tasty, crunchy and colorful addition to any salad, they can also lower the blood levels of homocysteine, which can lower the risk of heart disease. Studies also show beets hold other secret powers, like strengthening organs and fighting off diseases like cancer.


Sometimes known as the’chicken of the sea’, salmon makes a great sushi staple, salad star or accompaniment to any creative dish. The delicious oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients, which can help lower the levels of triglycerides, prevent blood clots, widen constricted blood vessels and ultimately help prevent against heart disease.


Turmeric is known for its rich, golden flavor and provides the perfect way to spice up any curry. The spice has been used for medicinal reasons in the far east for centuries, but has become more popular in the west or its untold health benefits and nutritional value. Research shows that tumeric contains active compound known as curcumin which can help block cardiac hypertrophy or the enlargement of the heart.  It can also help prevent high blood pressure, obesity, dysfunctional blood vessels and the risks of heart disease.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can make a great smoothie or fruit topper, and are also considered one of the healthiest superfoods on the planet. The seeds are a rich source of fiber, antioxidants, protein, nutrients and omega 3’s.  Chia is also low in calories and offer a natural way to lower cholesterol, promote a healthy heart and reduce the risk of diseases.


We were happy to learn that an apple a day can in fact help keep the doctor away. As one of the most commonly found super fruits, apples are overflowing with rich nutritional benefits like antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can can help decrease blood pressure and prevent the risks of heart disease. There are also endless varieties with  unique colors, flavors and health benefits, so you’ll be spoiled for choice each time!


As an awesome salad filler, toast topper or delicious dip, it’s fair to say that most millennials can’t live without a slice of avocado in their lives. There’s even cafes dedicated to avocados, which we could talk about for hours. As well as being a tasty superfood, avocados are also rich in potassium, antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, which can help lower cholesterol, provide heart-healthy benefits and lower the risk of heart disease.


These glossy, purple wonders are great on the grill, baked or as a base for almost any vegetable dish. They are also jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, nasunim and  flavonoids. This means these delicious superstars can help improve circulation, reduce cholesterol, lower heart disease and prevent blood clots. They are also great brain food and can help prevent cell membranes from damage and help prevent against cancer.


Though some kids dread the moment their parents say they can’t leave the table until they finish their broccoli, we hate to admit it, but these little green cauliflower monsters are packed with heart-healthy nutrition.  Now we find every excuse to fill our salads, pastas and stir fries with these hearty vegetables. In fact, broccoli can help reduce cholesterol, keep blood vessels strong and contains sulforaphane, an anti-inflammatory which can prevent chronic blood sugar problems.


Carrots are a delicious, crunchy snack by day, but they can also double as a heart-healthy food and help you see better at night. What’s more, these little orange superheroes are rich in carotenoids, a strong antioxidant that can help the risk of heart disease by fight against free radicals. Carrots are also bursting with nutrients and vitamins A, K and C which can help build healthy bones, help the nervous system, fight against cancer and lower an amino acid linked to heart disease.


Although these little peas are usually mashed, blended, seasoned and disguised in a mean humous dip, there’s more to these fiesty legumes than meets the eye. Chickpeas are packed with heart-healthy nutrition and rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6. This can help lower cholesterol in the blood and help decrease the risk of heart disease.


Good news for coffeeholics! A new study has found that you can get your coffee fix while helping your heart! In fact, research reveals that drinking coffee in moderation can actually help reduce your risk of heart failure, stroke and coronary heart disease!


These refreshing fruit snacks are delicious as a juice mixer and are also bursting with nutrition and antidoxidants. This means you’ve guessed it…cranberries can help lower the risk of heart disease. The super fruit can also help prevent urinary tract infections and reduce the risk of factors like gum disease, stomach ulcers and cancer.


As one of the most underrated fruit snacks, after dates or raisins, figs are actually one of the richest sources of heart-healthy nutrition. Whether raw, dried or packed into jam, these sweet fruits are loaded with calcium and fiber, which can help build a healthy heart and even help reverse the effects of heart disease.

Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are the good kind of fats. Flaxseeds are a popular supplement for those that don’t eat fish or nuts, and often sprinkled on salads or added to fruit or smoothies. Each tablespoon is packed with nutrition, and rich in estrogen and antioxidants, which have heart-healthy benefits.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Though we will always love Californication, we’re not quite sure if the spicy rock band are so good for your heart. However, the real red hot chilli peppers, the feisty vegetable kind, contain capsaicin which can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This is good news for your heart health, but we wouldn’t recommend eating a raw, spicy pepper whole!


Awesome news for ginger fans… studies show that the fragrant cooking spice is also linked to a healthier heart. In fact, if you consume ginger daily, it can help reduce the risk of many conditions, like high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. It is also a great sushi companion, which is great news for sushi lovers!


Grapefruits not only look, smell and taste refreshing and exquisite, they are also bursting with nutrition. The superstar fruit is rich in fiber and potassium, lycopene, vitamin C, and choline, which means it is a great way to help maintain a heart. The fruit is that good that it’s even recommended on the DASH diet, which is designed to reduce blood pressure.

Green Tea

Green tea can be a calming and refreshing way to quench your thirst any time of the day.  The herbal super drink is also packed with powerful antioxidants, which can help prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries. What’s more, Green tea can help lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which is even more good news for your heart.

Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are delicious in soups and stews, and they’re also great for your memory and heart health. The super bean is high in fiber, low in fat and a rich source of vitamins and minerals like magnesium, folate and protein. This means kidney beans are great for lowering homocysteine, which can help reduce the risk of heart attacks, peripheral vascular diseases strokes, cancer and diabetes.


Though some may be intimidated by their furry shell, if you can get past this layer then you’ll be greeted by an exotic green superfruit snack. Studies have also shown that kiwis are loaded with vitamins including C and E, as well as polyphenols and magnesium, potassium, B vitamins and copper. This means the superfruit can help protect the cardiovascular system, reduce blood clots and is great for promoting heart health.


These super legumes are packed with vitamins and minerals like magnesium, fiber, folic acid, and more potassium than a banana. While being a great source of protein and energy, lentils can also a tasty companion for any soup or dish. The tasty pulse has also been added to the recommended DASH diet to reduce blood pressure and is a great way to help maintain a healthy heart.


Its ok to go nuts now! Whether you prefer almonds, walnuts or cashews, these nutty little gems are packed with wholesome nutrients and unsaturated fatty acids.  So, eating a handful of nuts in moderation can actually help lower your cholesterol and be good for your heart health.


As a delicious way to start your day, oatmeal is filled with wholesome nutrients and minerals like folate, and potassium and omega-3 fatty acids. This breakfast superfood can work with any fruit topping, and is also rich in fiber and has a low GI, so is recommended for weight-loss and diabetes. Oatmeal can help lower cholesterol levels and help keep arteries clear to help promote a healthy heart.


We decided that beans deserve their own category. Beans are part of the family of legumes, which also includes lentils, soybeans and peanuts, peas and green beans. These little super heroes are low in fat, high in fiber, rich in protein and provide multiple phytochemicals that can help reduce the risk of heart disease.


Just like their apple companions, these appetizing and crunchy fruit gems are also a rich source of fiber, nutrients and antioxidants. This means pears can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol and effectively reduce the risk of heart disease.


Asparagus are delicious grilled on their own and a unique addition to any cooked dish. The super vegetable is also loaded with nutrients, minerals, fiber, folate and vitamins A, C, E and K. This means asparagus can help promote regularity and digestive health, enhance your insulin levels and reduce your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.


Quinoa is a wholesome way to spice up any salad or cooked dish, and actually contains nearly twice the amount of fiber than most other grains. This superfood is bursting with minerals, antioxidants and all nine essential amino acids. It is also great for aiding weight loss, improving blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reducing high blood pressure and diabetes and promoting a healthy heart.


While spinach was the source of Popeye’s superpowers, maybe he knew something we didn’t! In fact only half a cup of this green, leafy superfood will give you 5 times your daily dose of vitamin K, which can help promote stronger bones and prevent blood clots. Spinach is also a great salad base, or pasta topper, and is bursting with lutein, folate, potassium, and fiber which means it can help boost heart health and help prevent heart disease.


Strawberries are one of the sweetest ways to spice up any breakfast dish, smoothie, snack or dessert. The delicious red superfruits are also bursting with vitamin C and nutrients and minerals like folate. They are also low calorie, a great fat-burner, and studies show they can help widen arteries, prevent plaque building up and are heart-healthy.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are one of the most popular and tastiest members of the potato family. Perfectly paired with almost every dish, from chicken, vegetables or meat, sweet potato has even made its way to many pizza or pasta topping recipes. The wholesome superfood is also packed with potassium, which can help lower blood pressure by maintaining fluid balance. They can also help regulate your heartbeat and be very heart-healthy.


Walnuts are an awesome salad topper and make a great nutty snack. They are also a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is an Omega-3 fatty acid. This means these super nuts are great to lower blood pressure, maintain healthy cholesterol levels and keep your ticker in shape.


Watermelons make a refreshing beach or poolside snack, and they can also help protect skin from harmful UV rays. The summery super fruit is also about 96% water, so can keep you full and hydrated longer. That’s not all folks, as watremelons are bursting with vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium and potassium, which can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and promote a healthier heart.


These yellow super fruit heroes are a great smoothie base or breakfast topper and are packed with protein, fiber and potassium. This means bananas can help muscles contract and nerve cells to respond. Though they have a reputation for being a dieter’s nemesis, bananas actually contain fiber and resistant starch and are low-energy dense food, which can help weight loss. The nutritious fruit can also help you maintain a regular heart beat and lower blood pressure and boost your overall heart health.

Olive Oil

There’s a reason that the Mediterranean diet has been hailed as one of the healthiest in the world. If you’re from that region, then you’ll know that extra-virgin olive oil is one of the essential ingredients to any Mediterranean dish. As well as adding a distinctive flavor, olive oil is also rich in monounsaturated fat. This means extra virgin olive oil can help lower harmful LDL cholesterol, discourage blood clots and regulating blood sugar levels.


In recent years, soy has become more and more popular for vegans and vegetarians looking for a textured substitute for meat products. There are now supermarket shelves dedicated to soy products, so there’s plenty to choose. Soy milk also makes a mean latte. Studies have also shown that soy foods can help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol. Soy is also a rich source of protein, cholesterol-free, low in saturated fat and offers fiber and heart-healthy omega-3s.

Apple Cider Vinegar

We know it’s easy to instantly get put off by the foul smell of apple cider vinegar. However, you may not realize that Beyonce swears by it and you just have to dilute it with water and drink it before each meal to aid weight loss. It also has multiple health benefits as research has shown that apple vinegar can help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce blood triglycerides, blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Black Beans

These little black heroes are packed with fiber, protein, potassium, folate, vitamin B6, and phytonutrients, which means they can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. They also taste delicious in soups, as a side dish or in a burrito and can make you feel full with little fat, so can also help weight-loss.

Reduced Fat Yogurt

Studies have shown that eating some healthy dairy foods, such as reduced fat-yogurt or milk as part of a balanced diet, can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and some cancers. Yogurt is packed with calcium, protein, vitamins A and D, iodine, zinc and vitamins B6 and B2, which can also help fight against heart disease and strokes.


Cabbage makes a great low-calorie snack and the heart-healthy vegetable is loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Cabbage is also rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can help boost your natural defence mechanism and protect arteries against heart disease. The leafy hero can also protect against certain cancers and vision loss.

Brown Rice

Rice is been a traditional staple food for many regions and cultures across the globe. Although white rice is arguably the most popular grain, the brown variety is actually more nutrient-rich, gluten-free and packed with vitamins, minerals and healthy compounds. The tasty grain is also beneficial to help with weight loss and help prevent diabetes and heart disease.

Coconut Oil

Although too much saturated fat in your diet can be unhealthy, and coconut contains lauric acid, this means is can increase bad cholesterol (LDL). However, interestingly coconut oil contains good cholesterol (HDL). This means that because it increases both good and bad cholesterol, a limited amount can also be good for heart health.


This albino broccoli is a little underrated, as cabbage can actually improve the overall health of your cardiovascular system. This flower ranger is also packed with fiber and low in carbs, and is delicious char-grilled whole or as a tasty side dish. It can also prevent oxidative stress, detoxify your body, prevent stomach disorders, fight respiratory problems and is good for your bones.


These sweet berries are bursting with vitamin C, manganese, fiber and are low in fat. These delicious fruit snacks are also high in polyphenols, which help lower the risk of heart disease.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are one of the tastiest South American nuts around. And another reason to make these exotic heroes a staple essential in any kitchen is that they contain good fat, are rich in nutrients and disease-fighting antioxidants. This means brazil nuts can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.


These red superheroes are not only a tangy addition to any dish or salad, tomatoes are also bursting in vitamin C, plus vitamin A, minerals, potassium, fiber and lycopene. Studies have shown that these nutrient-rich vegetables can help prevent diseases like cardiovascular disease.

Acai Berries

Acai has become one of the most trendiest additions to any smoothie and acai breakfast bowls are now all the rage, and delicious whatever time of day. In fact, these super berries offer one of the richest source antioxidants, which means they can help prevent diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Goji Berries

These super berries are packed with nutrients, like antioxidants, iron, vitamin C, and even copper to help. All these components help the body function well and are known to improve cardiovascular health. Gogi berries are also a good source of iron, which helps the hemoglobin carry oxygen to your cells.


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