Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Toothache- Simple Home Remedies

5 simple home remedies for toothache

If you have suffered from toothache, you know how traumatising it can be. Having said that, toothache doesn’t always come with an alarm and sometimes it can put you off balance. If you want to try some effective home remedies to tackle the pain, here we have listed a few 

​Saltwater rinse

A saltwater rinse is the first-line treatment for toothache. Saltwater is a natural disinfectant. It can help loosen up food particles and debris that may be stuck in between your teeth. Doing a saltwater rinse can also help reduce inflammation and heal any oral wounds.

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and use it as a mouthwash. 

A rinse with hydrogen peroxide

A rinse with hydrogen peroxide diluted with water can also relieve pain and inflammation. It also kills bacteria, reduces plaque and heals bleeding gums.

Do not forget to dilute the hydrogen peroxide. Add 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of water and use it as a mouthwash. Remember, do not swallow it. 

Peppermint tea bags

Peppermint helps by numbing the pain and soothing sensitive gums. Take a used tea bag and allow it to cool. Apply this tea bag to the affected area. You can use the tea bag while it's slightly warm.

You can also use the opposite approach and freeze the tea bag for a couple of minutes and then apply it to the affected tooth.


Garlic has been used as a home remedy for thousands of years for various problems. Garlic can kill the harmful bacteria that causes dental plaque and also acts as a pain reliever at the same time.

Crush a garlic clove and make a paste. Apply it to the affected area. You can also add some salt to the garlic paste or chew on some garlic. 


Clove has been used to treat toothache since ages. Clove oil can effectively numb the pain and reduce inflammation. The oil has eugenol, which is a natural antiseptic.

You can put a few drops of clove oil into a cotton swab and apply it to the affected area. Make sure to dilute the clove oil with some carrier oil (olive oil).

You can also put a drop or two of clove oil in water and use it as a mouthwash.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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