Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Black Pepper- Many Uses You Never Knew !

Black pepper, just like table salt, has an unexpected list of alternative uses that extend beyond seasoning your meals. In fact, as you're about to find out, there's a lot more to black pepper than meets the eye. Let's take a look: 
1. Keep colors bright 
black pepper, uses
 After your favorite bright-red top has been worn and washed a couple of times, its color will start to fade. However, pepper can be used to help your fabrics retain their bright color and prevent them from running too. Just add a teaspoon of pepper to the wash load.

2. Keep your plants bug free 
black pepper, uses
Pepper can also be used as a natural pest control in the garden - after all, there's nothing more frustrating than a swarm of bugs nibbling at your plants. To keep bugs at bay, mix black pepper with flour and sprinkle around the soil. 
3. It will keep deer away too 
 black pepper, uses
While deer may enjoy dining on a freshly budding garden, spraying your plants and bushes with a cayenne pepper and water mixture will have them dining elsewhere. 
4. Keep ants out of the kitchen 
Though pepper's uses in the garden are bountiful, this powerful ingredient can be used to keep ants away inside the home as well. The ants in your kitchen are actually looking for sugar, so keep them at bay by sprinkling cayenne pepper in spots along the backs of your counter tops and on your baseboards. 
5. Keep rodents from chewing on cable wires 
black pepper, uses
Keep rodents away from your cable wires by spreading some black pepper on them. 
6. Seal a leaking radiator in your car 
Buy yourself some time before taking your car to the repair shop. Pour a spice-rack sized container of black pepper into the radiator. This will flow into the split or pinhole, plugging the leak. 
7. Stop a minor cut from bleeding  
Pepper may be applied to the body too. Prior to doing so, thoroughly rinse the cut and dab the bleeding area with a clean, sterile cloth or paper towel. Then, sprinkle some ground black pepper on the cut and secure it with a bandage. This remedy will only work on small cuts. For deep cuts, with heavy bleeding, seek professional medical attention.

8. Use pepper essential oil to alleviate arthritis pain  
To soothe the pain, create your own home-made warming massage by combining the following oils together: 1 drop of almond oil, 2 drops pepper, 1 drop ginger and 2 drops lavender.
 9. Use pepper to stop a migraine in its tracks  
 black pepper, uses
If you feel the beginning of a migraine coming on, add a 1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to half a glass of water. If the migraine doesn't subside 30 minutes later, drink another glass. 
10. Use pepper to help your liver detoxify  
Combine the following ingredients and drink up each morning: 1 lemon, squeezed, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 cup filtered water, 1 teaspoon maple syrup.

11. To keep your cholesterol low
Add 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper to a glass of buttermilk. Mix in some finely cut onion and drink. 
12. To lose weight
Mix 1/4 teaspoon of ground black pepper, one glass of water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and one of honey. Stir well and drink daily. 
13. To reduce fever
Take 7 or 8 leaves of basil and 3 or 4 grains of black pepper and chew them together.

14. To relieve a dry cough -
Grind 5 or 6 seeds of black pepper and mix with natural honey. Swallow a spoon of this mix daily until relief is achieved. 
15. To relieve asthma attacks
Boil 8 to 10 grains of pepper, 2 clove buds and 10 to 15 basil leaves in water. Let the brew sit for about 15 minutes, strain it and add 2 spoons of honey. Tip: Drink with milk! 
16. Treating a sore throat - 
Squeeze some lemon juice, add a bit of salt and ground black pepper - and gargle. 
17. To treat a cold - 
 Make some tea and add 2 or 3 grains of ground black pepper, a piece of ginger and basil leaves.

18. To treat a chronic cold - 
Consume ground black pepper with dates. 
19. To open a blocked up nose
Mix equal amounts of black pepper, cinnamon, cumin and cardamom seeds. Grind to a thin powder and smell or inhale the mixture. This will cause healthy sneezing and will open the nose ducts. 
20. To relieve any kind of cough
Grind some black pepper and add sugar. Consume the mix with clarified butter. 
21. To ease a heavy cough
add 2 or 3 grains of black pepper to a glass of boiling hot milk, wait for it to cool a bit and then drink. 
22. Treating a toothache
Mix ground black pepper with clove oil. Smear the ointment on the afflicted area. 
23. To treat indigestion
Mix some black pepper with ginger juice and sip after every meal. 
24. Relieve nausea
Mix black pepper and water in a glass, add some fresh lemon juice, mix and drink slowly. 
25. Treating skin conditions - 
Prepare an ointment from ground black pepper and refined butter. Apply to skin conditions such as allergy rash, Eczema and scabies. 
26. To fight baldness - 
Make a thick paste from black pepper and lemon seeds. Apply it daily to balding areas about 10 minutes before showering. The solution should help revitalize hair growth.   
27. To deal with hemorrhoids
Grind together 20 grams of black pepper, 10 grams of cumin and 15 grams of sugar. Mix in water and drink morning and evening, every day. 
28. ​To stop bleeding - 
the bleeding wound with ground black pepper. Bandage with a paper towel and tighten with sellotape (scotch tape). Wait 10 minutes and the bleeding will stop. 
29. To stop hiccups - 
Hold a small plate with black pepper to your nose, inhale strongly a few times and the hiccups will cease.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

https://gscrochetdesigns.blogspot.com. one can see my crochet creations  
https://gseasyrecipes.blogspot.com. feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes    
https://kneereplacement-stickclub.blogspot.com. for info on knee replacement


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