Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Iron Absorption- How to increase from food

 Iron deficiency

Iron is an essential mineral, necessary for the several crucial functions of the body. In addition to the production of haemoglobin in the blood required for the transportation of oxygen in different parts of the body, iron helps to keep your hair, skin and nail health. 

Iron deficiency: A global health concern

Even after being such an important mineral, you will be surprised to know that a large number of people across the globe are suffering from the problem of iron deficiency anaemia. Women belonging to the menstruating age group are more prone to this deficiency as compared to others. Going by the numbers, about 20 per cent of women, 50 per cent of pregnant women, and 3 per cent of men do not have enough iron in their body. The symptoms may include fatigue, dizziness, headaches, sensitivity to cold and shortness of breath.

This makes it vital for everyone, especially women to increase their daily iron intake. But the catch is that the amount of iron you consume in a day might not necessarily be absorbed by the body. So to ensure proper absorption of this nutrient, it is important to have it the right way.

Sources of Iron


Iron is present in two forms: heme and non-heme

Animal-based foods are the source of heme iron. It is commonly found in meat, chicken and fish. Heme iron is considered the best form of iron as our body can absorb 40 per cent of it easily.

Non-heme are the ones we get from plant-based food products like vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Pumpkin seeds, spinach, broccoli, pomegranate, almonds and some of the excellent sources of iron. About 80 to 90 per cent of your daily iron intake is derived from non-heme foods, but as compared to heme foods, this form of iron is not absorbed by the body efficiently. 

How to increase the absorption of iron in the body

What and how you should consume these iron-rich foods plays an important role in the absorption of this nutrient. Some foods can enhance the absorption process, while others can block it. You have to choose wisely.

Vitamin C

The best way to absorb this nutrient, especially from non-heme sources of iron is to pair them with vitamin C rich foods like lemon, capsicum and tomatoes. Vitamin C helps to store iron in the body in such a form that’s more easily absorbed.

Vitamin A and beta -carotene

Vitamin A and beta-carotene rich foods are also helpful in the absorption of iron in the body. Studies suggest that vitamin A rich foods can increase the absorption of iron from rice and wheat by 200 and 80 per cent respectively.


Taking phytate, or phytic acid foods with iron-rich foods can decrease the absorption of the nutrient in the body. Phytic acid is commonly found in foods like whole grains, cereals, soy, nuts and legumes. You can counter the effect of phytic acid by adding vitamin C rich foods to your plate.

Caffeine and tannins

Tea contains tannins and caffeine is found in coffee. Both these compounds are not good for the absorption of iron. Having coffee or tea close to your mealtime might hinder the iron absorption process. Even milk should be avoided.

Daily recommended iron intake

To stay healthy and overcome iron deficiency in the body, men must consume 8.7 mg/day of iron. Women aged between 19 to 50 must have 14.8 mg/day iron, while women above 50 should consume 8.7 mg/day.

 This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     

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