Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Attention adults: You need vaccinations too! (Important ones listed)

While we keep a close eye on our child’s vaccination chart to ensure they don’t miss out on any vaccination, do you get yourself vaccinated? The question must have startled many - vaccinations for adults - is that even a thing? According to a Pulmonologist, “When we think of vaccines, we envision teary-eyed children at the doctor’s clinic. Vaccines and immunization in India, so far, have been primarily directed towards infants and children, although, vaccination is as important for adults as it is for children.”

For the uninitiated, adolescents and adults carry an even greater burden of illness and death from vaccine preventable infectious diseases than do children. “We must understand that as we age, our immune system begins to deteriorate – a process called “immunosenescence” – as a result of which our ability to fight an infection reduces significantly. Also, many adults suffer from various illnesses which suppress our immune mechanisms further, thus making us more vulnerable to a wide array of infections. Diseases like diabetes, chronic lung disease, chronic liver disease, chronic kidney disease, HIV, cancers, leukemias, lymphomas are the major diseases responsible for a poor immune system in adults. Also, people who smoke, consume excessive alcohol, and those on chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy are more susceptible to acquiring infections. For all these reasons it becomes important for adults to also take the recommended vaccines.” 

So what are some of the vaccines that adults should consider important? Dr Nangia clarifies, “The vaccine recommendations for adults depend on factors like age, lifestyle, high-risk medical conditions, travel plans, and which vaccines a person has received in the past. The most important and common vaccines recommended in India are those against influenza, pneumococcal disease, hepatitis A & B, typhoid, human papillomavirus and diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis.”

Important vaccines for adults: Infleunza, pneumococcal disease, hepatitis A & B, typhoid, human papillomavirus and diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis

Influenza vaccination for adults

And not only your child but experts recommend even adults should get Influenza vaccine every year at the onset of fall. Unlike the West, where influenza is seasonal, in tropical countries like India, it circulates throughout the year. Each year, 3 to 5 million cases of severe influenza are reported worldwide. Depending on the virus’ ability to harm a person, each year up to 650,000 deaths happen due to Influenza. The true burden of influenza is generally under-recognized due to a number of reasons including under-testing and under-reporting.

WHO recommends that pregnant women should have the highest priority when it comes to vaccination right now. According to a Dr.,  “Additional risk groups to be considered for vaccination, are children aged 6 months - 5 years, the elderly, individuals with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions, and healthcare workers. Vaccination of healthcare workers should be considered as part of a broader infection control policy for healthcare facilities.

Considering the impact of Influenza, the most important strategy is prevention through annual vaccination which can be administered at any time of the year. It is advisable to administer the latest strain of influenza vaccine for children, adults and healthcare workers to protect them against influenza. Although Influenza vaccine is not effective against COVID-19, it will help protect individuals from the burden of seasonal Influenza. 

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