Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Parenting tips: How you can stop your child from becoming violent

If your child is displaying violent or destructive behaviour, don’t take it lightly. Research say kids who are violent at age five, six, and seven have higher risk of becoming violent as teens and young adults. Many factors can contribute to violence in children. It can be childhood events such as abuse, neglect, trauma, loss or abandonment. Often kids use violence to get what they want.  o how can we prevent children from becoming violent.

Does your child have a tendency of showing aggressive behaviour such as kicking, biting, or hitting? If yes, you can help him express his feelings in appropriate ways. Here are some ways to do that:

Let your child know that many people care for him 
Researchers say kids need a minimum of five caring adults to help them grow up happy and healthy. Besides parents, many other people like grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, family friends can influence a kid’s behaviour. These people can serve as positive role models to a kid and stop him from becoming violent.

Reprimand if he shows aggressive behaviour
Set firm rules so that your kid gets to know what is right and wrong. Make sure everyone in the family is aware of the rules you set, and the consequences if he does exhibit this behaviour. Reprimand your child immediately if he kicks, hits, or bites. This will make him understand what he’s done is wrong and won’t repeat it.

Avoid Harsh Punishment
Be careful when you discipline your child. Never punish a child harshly. If you’re violent, abusive or insensitive to our children, you’re indirectly teaching them to be unsympathetic and out of control. Let you child know that what you’re saying because you care for him and because you want him to be a better person.

Help your child deal with anger in a positive way

Talk to him to know his feeling and what has caused him to become so angry. Then encourage him to use words to express her feelings rather than hitting at others or throwing tantrums. This can help you kid work through the anger and calm down. Praise your little one if you notice him dealing with his anger in a positive way.

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