Sunday, February 23, 2020

Why you should avoid visiting a hospital in the afternoon, according to studies

These are some valid reasons!

In general, there is no preferred time to go to the hospital. Whenever you feel something is wrong with your health, you should visit a doctor. But if you can plan your visit, then avoid booking an appointment during peak day hours. There are several studies that suggest that visiting hospital in the middle of the day is not a good option and should be avoided if you can. Here we have listed 4 valid reasons why it is not good for you.

It is against the circadian rhythm

Most people feel sleepy and less productive after lunch. It is an everyday phenomenon and seems to be a natural rhythm or set clock in our bodies. The same is true for our doctors and nurses. If you visit at around 3 p.m, reportedly their concentration levels are low, owing to which they are less likely to pay attention to you. As per a study conducted by the Duke University, anesthesiologists made more mistakes in the afternoon due to lack of concentration.

Shift change may delay the process
Hospital staff works in shifts and in most cases their shift changes in the afternoon. Shift change is a chaotic time. Some people are in a rush to finish their work and leave. There are high chances that they might not pay much attention to you and you will have to wait for a longer time. So if you have less time, do not go to the hospital in the afternoon.

Lack of cleanliness

Hospitals are filled with different kinds of germs and bacteria. So, it is necessary to keep it clean. But studies suggest that hospitals are cleaner in the morning and evening as compared to afternoon. Moreover, a 2015 study carried out on 4,000 caregivers revealed that hospital staff were 38 per cent less likely to wash their hands in the afternoons as compared to the morning.

Life-threatening conditions are less likely to be detected

As per a study of the University of Pennsylvania, doctors are more likely to recommend you to get test screenings during the morning hours. Visting a doctor later in the day decreases the chances of getting screened for life-threatening conditions. As the day progresses, doctors get overwhelmed with more and more work and are less likely to prescribe additional screening. 

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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