Saturday, February 15, 2020

Here’s how you can go toxin-free

Gone are the times when mindless and unconscious purchase decisions were taken. As far as our memory goes, humans can point out countless activities that have caused harm to their and the planet’s health. Everything that urges and ensures the betterment of the planet and upcycling of the human lifestyle is marked as a revolution and one such revolution that is bringing about major changes is the concept of ‘Clean Beauty’.

Consumers have been restlessly shopping for cosmetics and beauty products without paying attention to the ingredients, and regardless of what could their long-term usage led to. It has become important for everyone to learn that the everyday essentials that they pick up without giving a conscious thought are loaded with toxins and harmful chemicals that are potential of causing mild to severe skin and health ailments; and some even life-threatening.

Clean beauty is a concept of using products that are made with only safe and non-toxic ingredients. It’s time we stop lathering our skin with harmful chemicals and switch to safer and equally effective alternatives. Here are some harmful inclusions that everyone must avoid:

Lead – Used as a pigment in the lipsticks and to enhance its colour texture. Regular use of lipsticks containing lead can cause discolouration of lips, making them look darker and dry.

Aluminium – Used as a pigment and thickener, which when absorbed in the bloodstream, causes hormonal disruptions due to its ability to mimic oestrogen. Aluminium is found in almost all personal care products, especially in lipsticks and deodorants.

Parabens – Used as a preservative in almost all skincare and beauty products, this ingredient has been linked with cancer.

Triclosan – It works as an antibacterial agent that prevents fungus and bacterial growth in skincare products like shampoos. This ingredient may disrupt thyroid function and can degrade into dioxin form which, when absorbed into the body, can cause cancer of various kinds.

Synthetic fragrances – Synthetic perfumes/fragrances are not a safe ingredient to be used and it is evidently present in most personal care products.

Sodium lauryl sulfate & its derivatives
– Used to form foam, bubbles, and lather. SLS is found in around 95% of personal care products such as shampoo, body wash, face cleansers, etc.

Siloxanes – Ingredients ending with methicone, siloxane, etc., not only clog your pores and cause severe acne but are also potential reproductive disruptors. Not only to humans, but this ingredient is also harmful to wildlife.

Clean beauty products are not just safe and equally effective but they also deliver long-lasting results and do not make the human body dependent, unlike the chemical counterparts. These products are made with gentle and result-driven ingredients that solve the majority of skin and hair problems.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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