Monday, January 06, 2020

Know about these health risks of vitamin K deficiency

Vitamin K deficiency is common, particularly in infants who are breastfed. It reduces the prothrombin levels along with other coagulation factors which rely on vitamin K to function. Hence it causes blood clotting problems inside your body. When the bleeding is very high or the reason behind its deficiency is fat malabsorption, your doctor may recommend you to consume vitamin K orally or with the help of an injection. Those who suffer from digestive disorders, go overboard with antibiotic therapies and infants are more at risk of developing vitamin K deficiency. Also, rare vitamin K deficiency could also lead to various life-threatening health hazards. Here, there are some of the risk factors which are caused due to deficiency of vitamin K.

Oestrogen can protect your bones.

Bleeding: Vitamin K helps in blood clotting and when the level of this vitamin is low in your body, it puts you at risk of heavy bleeding even after a minor injury. Women may experience heavy menstrual bleeding and minor incidents such as gum bleeding or nose blood can lead to serious problem.

Varicose veins: Studies have noted that low levels of vitamin K in your body can lead to varicose veins, a health condition where painful and enlarged veins appear, usually in legs.

Cardiovascular disease
: Several researches have shown that if you are suffering from vitamin K deficiency, you are more susceptible of developing heart-related diseases.

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