Thursday, January 02, 2020

7 Things That Happen If You Eat Mango Every Day

Sweet and juicy mangoes have a long history of appreciation by humans. The first documented references to mangoes are in Hindu writings that date back to about 4000 B.C. The mango is considered sacred in some places because it is said that Buddha meditated under a mango tree.

Requiring a warm climate, mango is primarily grown in equatorial regions including Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, and Haiti. Commercial growing operations are not large scale in the United States, but that doesn’t stop Americans from eating some 3.42 pounds per person each year.

Mangoes are sweet, tasty, and exotic. They are also quite nutritious. But eating a mango every day might not be the best choice, especially for people with certain conditions including diabetes and arthritis.

We’ll break down the bad and the good of daily mango consumption so that you can make the best choice for you.

You’ll Get A Ton Of Sugar

Each mango has approximately 45.9 grams of sugars – which make up almost the full amount of its 50.33 grams of carbohydrates. The main type of sugar in mango is fructose.

Fructose can only be digested by the liver, and too much puts a strain on this vital organ. It can lead to conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer.

On the scale of sugar levels in whole fruits, mangoes are in the upper midrange. Other similarly sweet fruits are red and green grapes, Fuji apples, passion fruit, gold kiwis, sweet cherries, pomegranates, and bananas.

Less sweet fruits include strawberries, avocados, raspberries, blackberries, lemons, and limes.

You Could Have A Delayed Allergic Reaction

Mangoes contain a compound called urushiol, an oil that is also found in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. People who are allergic are likely to get a skin rash around the mouth, similar to the red and itchy situation caused by contact with other urushiol-containing plants.

The tricky thing about this reaction is that it may be delayed by as much as two days after eating mango. That can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.

But if you have been eating mangoes more than usual recently and have noticed a rash like contact dermatitis, definitely stop eating them and check in with your doctor.

Artificially Ripened Ones Might Make You Sick

Some mangoes are forced to ripen early so they can get to market faster. The process involves a chemical called calcium carbide, which is a known carcinogen in large amounts. More commonly, exposure causes symptoms like tingling, numbness, and peripheral neuropathy.

Artificially ripened mangoes will also not taste nearly as good, and be less juicy. You can identify one by looking at the skin, which will still contain solid patches of green instead of having a uniform blend of yellow and green.

It’s best to eat your mangoes organic as they are never artificially ripened and also won’t have dangerous pesticide residue.

You Could Be At Risk For Salmonella

Eating a mango every day ups your risk of getting a contaminated one. Salmonella occurs frequently in mangoes because it gets into the water used to wash the fruit during processing.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that salmonella is responsible for approximately 1.2 million cases of salmonellosis in the U.S. every year. Around 23,000 hospitalizations and 450 deaths happen as a result.

Salmonella typically occurs in the processing phase of production, but research shows that whole mangoes are just as risky as cut ones, even though they have had less processing.

A bacterium found in the wash water coats the skin of mangoes and then makes its way into the pulp. At that point, no amount of washing by the consumer can eliminate the bacteria.

You Get Little Benefit From It In Juice Form

Though mango does contain a lot of sugar, it also has a fair bit of fiber that prevents blood sugar spikes. When you drink mango juice, all of that healthy fiber is removed. Despite the popularity of juice diets, studies show that they’re not good for you.

Lack of dietary fiber can cause constipation, weight gain, tiredness, blood sugar fluctuations, and nausea. And if your daily mango is in juice form, it puts you at risk of diabetes in a way that whole mango doesn’t, even with the same amount of sugar.

Unripe Mangoes Cause Havoc In The Digestive System

Typically we don’t eat unripe mangoes, but it can be hard to tell if the fruit is fully ripened before eating. Making this mistake can lead to severe stomach pain.

Additionally, if you have dietary fructose intolerance, any mango, whether ripe or unripe, will cause issues like bloating, abdominal pain and cramping, nausea, and diarrhea or constipation. If you’re experiencing these symptoms and have a daily mango habit, the fruit might be the culprit.

 You’ll Get Good Nutrition

If you are not sensitive to the allergenic compounds in mangoes and eat them as part of a balanced diet, they are actually quite healthy. Mango contains a ton of vitamin C, which plays a part in immune system function, building strong connective tissue, and maintaining healthy blood vessel walls.

Mango also has a lot of potassium with almost no sodium. Therefore, eating mango regularly can help regulate blood pressure and the body’s fluid balance.

You will also find high levels of folate and vitamin A in mangoes, as well as antioxidants including quercetin, norathyriol, and mangiferin. Antioxidants are vital for protecting your cells from free radical damage, which is an indicator for diseases like cancer as well as accelerated aging.
So the main takeaway here is that mango is best eaten in moderation but is still very healthy if you choose an organic variety.

Eat them whole or mashed, but don’t rely on the juice or you’ll miss the fiber that supports digestion and prevents blood sugar spikes. All in all, there is a reason that mango is such a popular fruit – it’s just best enjoyed as part of a diverse “salad” of fruits in your daily diet.

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