Thursday, January 02, 2020

Beware of these 16 symptoms

1) Your neck looks dirty
A rash-like discoloration called acanthosis nigricans ' almost looke like dirt, but has a velvety feel', says a Dr. He commonly sees it on the back of the neck or armpit. This is often a sign of diabetes or insulin resistance. Patients will come in asking about this rash they can't get rid of, he notes. He'll order blood tests to check blood sugar levels to make the diagnosis.

2) You're a woman and you're sprouting chin hairs
This can be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome, notes the Dr. ' Usually you see just a few hairs, but they're dark and coarse like a man's beard', he notes. The hormonal imbalance may also affect your period and can thus impact fertility. A look at your medical history and symptoms can point your Dr. in the right direction.

3) Blood in eyes
You see blood spots in your eyes.The condition is known as subconjunctival hemorrhage, the cardiologist notes that this is more common in people who have high blood pressure or diabetes. While these conditions don't cause the spots, the two are linked, the Dr. notes, which gives you yet another reason to visit your eye specialist, every 2 years.

4) Your big toe is swollen - gout ?
You don't remember stubbing it and it's not like you'd forget. You could be looking at an early symptom of gout, which is not only painful but can signal risk for chronic diseases like high BP and kidney diseases. A medical history plus examination at the doctor's office can diagnose it.

5) You have a major hankering for ice
Occcasionally, a patient will come to see the Dr., and say ' all i want to do is eat ice all day', he notes. That's a sign of iron-deficiency anemia. You'll need a blood workup, and your Dr. will want to figure out why you're anemic- are you losing blood or not making enough? The answer will direct your care, he notes.

6) Your eyes are bulging
If this is something that seems new- it could be an overactive thyroid, says the Dr. You may also notice other symptoms like unexplained wight loss or irritability. A thyroid blood test will identify the problem. Iodine treatment can slow your thyroid, and you can manage the issue with thyroid medication. However, the Dr. notes that sometimes thyroid problems are self-limiting and resolve on its own.

7) You've got shorter !
If you're wondering how your jeans got longer, you could be witnessing one of the silent signs of osteoporosis. As your bones waeaken, the vertebrae in your soine begin ti cimoress and you start to lose height. If you're 1.5 inches shorter than you're in your 20s, see your doctor.

8) Your urine is cloudy
When you pee, it should be clear and the color of light lemonade. If it's darker yellow, you'ld be dehydrated, when it's almost clear, you may be too hydrated. But if it's cloudy or very dark, you'ld have a bladder stone that's irritating the wall of your bladder. A physical exam and urine analysis can pin point the issue.
9) You feet feel like they're attached to bricks
This could be a sign of rheumatoid  arthritis(RA), a condition that hits women more than men and often strikes those between the ages of 20 and 40. Fatigue ( with or without joint pain) is another common symptom, Feeling stiff for 4 weeks warrants a trio n MD to make sure everything is fine.

10) Your stools are black
No doubt it's an alarming sight, bu there are a couple of possibilities. One, you're taking Pepto Bismol. which can turn them black. Two, the color can be a sign of digested blood, in which case, your Dr. may consider more serious issues like stomach ulcer or GI cancer.

11) Your stools are green
Green poop, certainly gets your attention. This is often some sort of infection, like giardia or salmonella, says the Dr. Your Dr. will ask whether you've been abroad ot camped or hiked recently and then consider testing.

12)Your pee looks pink
Pink or red pee is a sign of blood in your urine. The most likely causes are urinary tract or kidney infection, but it can also be oresnt in later stages of kidney, bladder, or prostate cancer, notes the Dr. A urinalysis will be usedm in part, to uncover the cause of the bleeding.

13) Your Pee looks like cola
This should set off immediate alarm bells- particularly after an extreme workout or say, running a marathon. It could be rhabdomyolysis, which happens when muscle tissue breaks down, enters your blood stream, and causes kidney damage. This serious disease warrants a trip to the emergency.

14) Your mouth is burning
Appropriately called ' burning mouth syndrome', this may be due to damage to pain and taste nerves. You'll notive a painful burn or tingle in your mouth that's frequent and sticks around for months. While there's no test to diagnose this problem, your doctor will do a thorough workup to rule out other potential causes and may give you a prescription that can ease your discomfort.

15) Your leg hurts when you walk
Certainly, the first thing you want to think about would be: Did I injure myself on that hike I took last week-end or did I overdo it running more miles that I should? However, if the pain can't be linked to an injury and it feels like your actual bone is hurting, it may be bone cancer ( even if the pain comes and goes). Talk to your Dr. about getting a biopsy.

16) You pee all the time
Yes, an increase in bathroom visits can be because of a urinary tract infection- UTIs, usually have that tell tale burn. However, if you pee constantly and have an unquenchable thirst, you may be developing diabetes, notes the Dr. If you notice that you're going much more frequently than before or are waking up throughout the night to relieve yourself, talk to your Dr.

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