Thursday, January 23, 2020

11 Things You Can Do to Achieve Mind Over Matter

 What is mind over matter called?
Definition of mind over matter
—used to describe a situation in which someone is able to control a physical condition, problem, etc., by using the mind His ability to keep going even when he is tired is a simple question of mind over matter.

Almost everyone has heard the saying “mind over matter”, but how easy is it to actually implement that into everyday life? For most people, it’s much easier said than done. Fortunately it’s not impossible, as the act of using your own willpower to overcome problems can be done with strength, practice, and maybe even a few special techniques. To build up your own willpower and work towards being able to use mind over matter, the tips below may be of help.

1. Meditate

Although there are a number of people who think that meditation is nothing more than sitting quietly, studies have shown that it’s actually incredibly advantageous to mental and physical health. That’s because when you meditate you’re working towards putting yourself in a better state of mind. To get started, meditate in a sitting position with your legs crossed over one another. As you slowly breathe in and out, focus on your breath going in and out rather than anything else that would normally be on your mind.

Although you likely won’t be able to clear your mind the first time you meditate, it will happen if you keep up with this on a daily basis. Even just 5 minutes per day can help you achieve clarity and give you a better sense of self. Why is this important? Because it will help you be more focused and mindful of your body so you can overcome challenges when you need to the most.

2. Visualize

Visualizing yourself achieving your goals can help you A big part of strengthening your mind to overcome obstacles is achieving the end result. In order to do this effectively, you must be specific and detailed. For example, let’s say you are in pain from a toothache and can’t get to the dentist until the morning. By sitting down, practicing deep breathing, and visualizing yourself with less pain you may very well begin experiencing less pain. Imagine yourself being calm, feeling better, and knowing that you will overcome this no matter how bad it gets. This can go a long way and help you make it through, simply because your mind is so powerful.

3. Focus

By focusing on your goals and putting all your attention to achieving them, you are much more likely to overcome any obstacles that are in your way. For example, if you were running a marathon and too exhausted to continue, focusing on your success and your legs running to the end could result in actually achieving your goal.

4. Talk to Yourself

The dialogue you have with yourself is an important tool to achieving mind over matter. Tell yourself you can do it and be your biggest cheerleader. If you believe in yourself you’re more likely to push through your challenges. Using the example of running a marathon, you could tell yourself “I am strong, I have the ability to do this, and I will see myself cross that finish line”.

5. Change Your Habits

If you normally give up when things get tough or retreat knowing that things won’t get better, you’re only going to let yourself down in the long run. This is why it’s so important to change your habits by thinking more positively, doing things that help you feel good about yourself, and working towards goals that will improve yourself overall.

6. Remove Temptations

Let’s say you’re in pain but don’t want to rely on medications any longer. By removing medications as an option, you are more likely to harness the power of your mind to overcome that pain. It can be easy to give into temptations, but it’s not impossible if you build up your willpower.

7. Read Books
You can learn a lot from other people who have harnessed the power of mind over matter, and books are some of the best ways to collect that information. You might be surprised at the large number of books that are out there that can help you strengthen your willpower and unleash the power of your mind.

8. Practice Self Affirmation

As you work to overcome obstacles, self-affirmation is incredibly important. Although it may not seem like it will make a difference, by telling yourself “I am strong” or “I can overcome this”, you are much more likely to actually do so. Self motivation is an amazing thing, so it’s at least worth trying if you want to experience all that your mind can do.

9. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is certainly good for your body but did you know it’s also great for your mind? Regular exercise can help you push yourself to new limits and show yourself how strong you really are. In time this can improve your mental performance, decrease anxiety, and give you a much stronger willpower.

10. Overcome Past Failures

One reason why mind over matter doesn’t work for a lot of people is because they can’t get over failures that they experienced in the past. They believe that because things didn’t work out before, they probably aren’t going to work out in the present or future. By ditching this way of thinking and focusing on changing things for the better, you are much more likely to see success with your willpower. For example, if you had failed finishing a marathon every year in the past, give yourself motivation and tell yourself you’re going to do it this time. By doing that instead of allowing yourself to stop, you are likely to see yourself accomplish that goal.

11. Change Your Attitude

Negativity isn’t going to get you anywhere when it comes to strengthening your mind to overcome pain, challenges, or other obstacles. This is why it’s important to develop a healthy and positive attitude and frame of mind. If you’re pessimistic this might be a challenge, but if you change to positive thoughts whenever those that are negative come along, you can actively work towards changing your mindset.
What’s In Store For Your Future?

“Mind over matter” no longer has to be a saying that you hear other people embrace or talk about. Instead, it can be something you actively practice to better your life and achieve your goals in the future. Try out the tips above to see what a difference they make for you and the power of your mind on a daily basis.

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