Wednesday, January 22, 2020

10 Habits that are Damaging to Your Brain

 The only organ in our body that thinks is often the one we think the least about. Our brain is the single most important organ in our body, controlling everything we do, from breathing, walking, eating, sleeping, etc. It’s the central processor for all our bodily functions, the part that interprets what we see and hear, smell and taste, and it is even a place where the chemical reaction associated with love occurs.

With all that in mind (excuse the pun), we practice ten common bad habits that actually damage our brain, and should be avoided:

1) Smoking
We know cigarettes cause cancer, but did you know that the addictive nicotine in the cigarettes can cause your brain to shrink? Not only that, but prolonged brain-shrinkage can lead to Alzheimer’s disease!

2) Rarely Talking
Introverts and people who tend to speak less face a higher risk of reducing the efficiency of their brains. Intellectual conversations are exercise for the brain, like the gym is for the muscles.

3) Not Eating Breakfast
Be it for diet or to save time, many people choose to skip breakfast, and in the process they damage their brain. After you sleep, your brain requires nutrients. Skipping breakfast deprives the brain of these much-needed nutrients. Not eating breakfast will also lead to low blood sugar, which is also bad for your health.

4) Overeating
Whether you’re feeling very hungry or you’re simply enjoying your dish too much, stuffing your face when you’re full is a bad idea. Overeating causes the brain arteries to harden – leading to decreased mental capabilities.

5) Too Much Sugar
Consuming too much sugar will interrupt with the absorption of nutrients and proteins and can lead to malnutrition. A malnourished body hinders the development of the brain, so minimize the amounts of sugary foods and drinks both you and your kids consume. 

6) Air Pollution
This may not be a habit per-se, but breathing polluted air leads to lower amounts of oxygen reaching your brain, and without oxygen – the brain cannot function.

7)  Sleeping With Your Head Covered
You might find it comforting and warm, but sleeping with a covered head leads to increased intake of carbon dioxide and decreased intake of oxygen. As mentioned before, oxygen is vital for brain function, and not getting enough can damage your brain cells.

8) Not Engaging In Stimulating Thoughts
Your brain is like a muscle, and if you don’t exercise it – it will shrink. The deeper the thoughts – the better the exercise your brain gets, and the healthier it will be in the long-term. So read a book, watch a documentary or play some puzzle games, just keep that thinker working.

9) Working When You’re Sick
Many adults and students tend to forgo their health for their careers and studies. When you are sick, your body and mind both need rest, so taxing them by working when you’re sick will reduce the efficiency of your brain and can even lead to long-term brain damage.

10) Not Getting Enough Sleep
Sleep is essential for your physical and mental health. A good night’s sleep (8 hours) is vital for your brain, as well as your internal organs. It has been recently discovered that the brain cleanses itself of toxins only during the deep sleep cycle. Sleep deprivation also accelerates the death of brain cells, which can lead to impaired memory and reduced faculties.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on. one can see my crochet creations feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

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