Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Early symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Symptoms of full-blown Parkinson disease (PD) are easy to identify. Essentially these consist of tremors, slowness of all activities, stiffness of muscles and poor balance with tendency to fall. Anyone with these symptoms falls under the category of Parkinson Disease and needs medical assistance.

It is difficult to identify these symptoms at an early stage. Also, the symptoms start so insidiously, and creep in very slowly, which makes it difficult for the common people to detect the disease when it is setting in.

A Professor and Head, Department of Neurology, however, helps you to identify these at an early stage.

There are some symptoms which are called pre-motor symptoms. These appear early and hardly are noticeable. Prominent among these are constipation, depression, acting out dreams during sleep (known as REM sleep behaviour disorder or RBD), decreased sensitivity of smell perception which are misunderstood with other disorders. Having said this, people with all these symptoms do not eventually develop Parkinson's disease as these are very common symptoms. However, studies show that those who have any of them are more likely to develop Parkinson's disease. So, it is important to watch your elderly ones closely and detect it on time.

There are some other symptoms such as internal feeling of tremor, increased tiredness or fatigue. Some of these resemble features of an older person or someone who is depressed but must be watched with hawk eyes. These symptoms are bent posture on standing and walking, festination while walking, some tremulousness of hands (old person) and drooping face, absent or diminished facial expressions, drooped neck.

For those people who have a family member affected with Parkinson's disease and are always fearful that they may also develop Parkinson's disease, one shouldn't worry too much. Familial Parkinson's disease occurs in only 10-15 percent of people; it usually occurs without a family history of Parkinson's disease. With the help of science and technology there is now a Deep Brain Stimulation option available for patients. One should also get expert advice on how to handle patients who suffer from the disease.

this is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.     
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