Sunday, September 29, 2019

Study finds new synthetic vaccines to comabt Chikungunya

Researchers developed a new type of vaccine for mosquito-borne virus Chikungunya. Since the vaccine does not require refrigeration, it is considered a major advancement in vaccine technology.
The findings, revealed exceptionally promising results for the Chikungunya vaccine candidate, which has been engineered using a synthetic protein scaffold that could revolutionise the way vaccines are designed, produced and stored.

Researchers teamed up with IT professionals to find a way to make vaccines that are thermostable ( able to withstand warm temperatures), can be designed quickly and are easily produced.

We were working with a protein that forms a multimeric particle resembling a virus but is completely safe because it has no genetic material inside said an expert virologist. Completely by chance, we discovered that this particle was incredibly stable even after months, without refrigeration.

This particle has a very flexible, exposed surface that can be easily engineered, added  another researcher. We figured that we could insert small, harmless bits of Chikungunya to generate a virus-like mimic we could potentially use as vaccine.

To validate their design, the scientists employed cyro-electron microscopy, a powerful new technique recently installed in Bristol\s state-of-the-art microscopy facility headed by co-author of the study. Cyro-EM yields very large data sets from which the structure if a sample can be determined at near0atomic resolution, requiring massive parallel computing.

Enabled by IT's high-performance cloud infrastructure, the team developed a novel computational approach to create an accurate digital model of the synthetic vaccine.

IT specialists together with colleagues, implemented software packages seamlessly on the cloud in this pioneering effort.

IT professional were able to process a large data sets obtained by the microscope on the clod in a fraction of the time and at a much lower cost than previously thought possible, explained one of the professional.

Researchers have had a long tradition of building and installing their own supercomputers on-premises, but cloud computing is allowing them to run large data sets in record time, with fast connectivity and low latency, added  the leading cloud architect.

This is helping them crunch data and make scientific breakthroughs much faster. Going by forward, technologies like machine learning and cloud computing will play a significant part in the scientific world, and we are delighted we could help the researchers with this important discovery, the professional said.

The particles the scientists designed yielded exceptionally promising results in animal studies, soundly setting the stage for a future vaccine to combat Chikungunya disease.

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