Saturday, May 18, 2019

Foods that Will Fight Cancer For You

Cancer, unlike many other diseases, comes from within the innermost processes of our bodies. It is one of the most internally focused diseases, and as such, what we do with our bodies throughout our life and continue to every day - has a huge impact on our chances to develop it. Nutrition plays a huge role, and that is why it is crucial to know the foods that fight to prevent cancer from developing in our bodies. 

People fear cancer and many believe there is little they can do to prevent it. They put factors such as hereditary or genetic or sheer bad luck. However, research shows that this is not the case, and that lifestyle factors such as diet can play a major role in preventing cancer.
Did you know that about a third of all cancers are linked to bad eating habits? 
1) Avocado
Avocados are great for dipping, terrible for free radicals. The avocado's weapon glutathione can fight free radicals intent on sabotaging your body's ability to absorb fats.
They also have an uncanny ability to destroy viral hepatitis, which is a source of liver cancer. Avocados are also great for adding flavour to otherwise bland dishes.
2) BroccoliBroccoli has worked for the cancer fighting department for quite some time. Broccoli uses Indole-3-carbinol to lure cancer-causing estrogen into becoming a more productive form of estrogen.
Broccoli also has experience  of fighting colon and rectal cancers with its phytochemical sulforaphane formula.

There are small amounts of cancer in all our bodies. Most of them never get anywhere and are destroyed early on. What we call cancer are the ones that continue to get bigger and aren't stop by the immune system. Anticancer molecules present in fruits and vegetables fight cancers at the source, before they can reach maturity. 
3 & 4) Carrots and sweet potatoes
Carrots have possession of the coveted beta-carotene, which is a super-weapon against all sorts  of cancer like breast, bladder, lung, mouth, stomach and prostate cancers.
This makes carrots an excellent addition to the cancer0fighting team.
5& 6) Chili-peppers and JalapenosChili-peppers and jalapenos are spicy and deadly. Of course, they're only deadly for cancer-causing substances. Ironic, since jalapenos are difficult to stomach for some people.
You can think of cancer as a chronic disease, one that needs to be handled on an ongoing basis, whether you have it or not, with proper diet and healthy habits.
7) Cauliflowers, Kale, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage
These fearsome four contain 2 fantastic antioxidants -lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants not only take out prostate cancer, but can also defeat various other troublesome free radicals. 
8) Figs
Japanese researchers have discovered a super-weapon contained within figs. Benzaldehyde has the ability to shrink tumours. If a tumour is getting out of control, give figs a call. 
Two myths to forgo:
1. Fruits and vegetables contain pesticide residues that causes cancer. 
FALSE: The residue is in trace amounts and no study has ever found a link between them and cancer.
2. Only organic fruits and vegetables offer real health benefits.
FALSE: In fact it would be just as well to consume regular fruits and vegetables and only occasionally eat organic foods. 

9) Garlic
Since no one believes in vampires anymore, garlic has sought a new career path as a cancer fighter.
Garlic's daily sulfides can supercharge immune cells, causing them to fight cancer cells more effectively. Garlic can also take on cancer directly, by blocking carcinogens and slowing tumour growth.

10) Grapefruit
Grapefruit serves as part of the cleanup crew after the cancer-fighting team has stormed through.
Grapefruits do a great job cleaning up the mess left behind by carcinogens. Grapefruit can also fight the development of breast cancer.

11) Red Grapes
Unlike the slacker green and purple grapes, red grapes use bio-flavonoids, the most powerful cancer preventative in the business.
These grapes also know how to shut off the valve that releases cancer causing enzymes. The best thing of all, these little warriors can block enzymes that cancer cells need in order to thrive. 

A few more tips to fighting cancer:
1. Quit smoking (you knew that, though).
2. Try to reduce red meat and overall calorie intake. 
3. Avoid overly-processed foods (chips, soft drinks, hamburgers).
12) Nuts
Nuts are crazy about cancer suppression. The Brazil nuts has the added superpower of selenium, which can fight prostate cancer.
Mushrooms may not be fruits or vegetables, but they're committed to proving that they're just as good. Mushrooms can round up multiplying cancer cells with their lasso called lectin.
They can also strengthen the troops with polysachrides, which strengthens the body's immune system.

14)Lemons and oranges
These 2 fruits team up to stimulate lymphocytes and enhance the flavour of drinks. Lymphocytes are cells that love to fight cancer.

Teas love to prevent cells from loving each other and making baby cells. Teas are pro-abstinence and anti-cell dividing superheroes.

Last, but definitely not the least, tomatoes heavily assault free radicals and repair cellular damage with their Vitamin C  healing potions.
4. Avoid greasy BBQ meat. The greasy droppings you see that fall and catch fire produce toxic substances known as aromatic hydrocarbons .

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                     
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