Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Some Natural Practices To Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes

Diabetes has become such an epidemic in many countries of the world. India is called the diabetic capital of the world, as it has the maximum number of diabetes ! Many wonder, in early times, not so many complained of this disease, why such a fuss now, what can be the reason? In earlier times, people were doing a lot of physical work, thanks to the Industrial revolution, people have become lazy, as we've gadgets for everything- washing, cooking, grinding. Earlier, people used to walk miles to go to work or school, now, to the nearest place of work or school, everyone wants a car / scooter to reach ! Kids have forgotten to run around and play like what wee used to do when we're kids. Now, when you ask them what games do you like, they'ld name all the games which you can play in your I -pad / Notebook / laptop / cell phones !

Insulin moves sugar (or glucose) from the bloodstream into fat cells, muscle, and the liver. Without the appearance of insulin, the blood glucose levels will climb — which then could lead to severe tissue damage and a plethora of other health issues.

While many rely upon insulin shots and a myriad of other medications, there are those who’d rather opt for a holistic approach. One simple method is keep moving, get 7-8 hours of beauty sleep- as we need it rejuvenate our bodies, lose weight, eat sensibly, limit your consumption of processed, fried foods, avoid smoking and alcohol.

Here are 10 natural ways to prevent diabetes naturally:
1. Exercise Every Day
It’s paramount to get some form of physical activity on a daily basis. This task isn’t always easy — especially when factoring in a full day of work (and in some cases a commute). In any event, 30 minutes of walking is a simple and very manageable amount of time needed to get in the requisite amount of physical activity. Physical activity improves tissue sensitivity to both weight management and insulin.

2. Getting Sleep
It’s imperative to get least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. There are many reasons for why we fail to reach this limit — whether it’s stress, insomnia, an active and creative brain, or even those nights when we partake in one too many adult beverages. Simply stated, poor sleeping habits increase the risk of obesity — when then could lead into diabetes.

3. The Ever-So-Often Alcoholic Beverage
The mass consumption of alcohol isn’t really recommended in any case. Aside from the fact that this could have adverse effects on one’s liver, these drinks are chock-full of sugar. However, moderate alcohol intake (one glass of beer/wine for a woman, two for men) helps to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. Meditation
There are those scoffing at the idea that meditation employs benefits to diabetes prevention. However, mindfulness meditation is a method to lower one’s stress levels. When agitated, glucagon and epinephrine are elevated. When this happens, blood glucose increases and the insulin levels will drop considerably.

5. Avoid Processed Foods
While those bags of chips are super tasty, they aren’t healthy. Any types of food with trans-fats, added sugar, and high levels of sodium will invariably increase one’s risk for diabetes. It also enhances the possibility of weight gain.

6. Limit Red Meat Intake
The consumption of large quantities of red meat could lead to the development of cardiovascular disease — as well as some types of cancer. Duly, some studies have shown a link between type 2 diabetes and the daily intake of red meat. One should also ward off the temptation for processed meats as well — which are high in sugars and sodium.

7. Eat fresh cooked foods
By avoiding processed foods, one can enjoy “real” food — such as vegetables, fruits, fish, low-fat meat (turkey, bison, chicken), nuts, and seeds. The aforementioned examples are beneficial when regulating blood sugar levels. By cooking at home and limiting the occasions of eating out, one saves money in addition to living a healthier lifestyle.

8. Drinking Green Tea
Green tea has a high polyphenol content. As such, it possesses integral antioxidant properties. Polyphenols do a tremendous job in a controlled release of blood sugars — rather than the gradual build-up of them. The consumption of green tea also acts as a soothing experience, which in turns lowers stress levels.

9. Cinnamon Water
Cinnamon has many health benefits. It helps to prevent against cardiovascular issues, can ward off bacterial infections and viruses, and it can also fight diabetes. By dropping some cinnamon into warm water, the concoction will increase one’s metabolic rate. It’s an effective (and cheap) way of combating the side-effects of diabetes.

10. Basil Leaves
Yes, the use of basil leaves will help in a multitude of ways. One can literally eat basil leaves raw, or utilize them cooked. They can also be added to a drink for flavor. Basil leaves hold antioxidants which relieve oxidative stress. This sort of stress is problematic for those on the cusp of being pre-diabetic. As such, these leaves have the ability to lower blood sugar levels.

Thanks to easyanswers for the topic.

THIS IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION, ALWAYS CONSULT YOU PHYSICIAN BEFORE HAVING ANY PARTICULAR FOOD/ MEDICATION/EXERCISE/OTHER REMEDIES.                                    PS- THOSE INTERESTED IN RECIPES ARE FREE TO  VIEW MY BLOG-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR INFO ABOUT KNEE REPLACEMENT, YOU CAN VIEW MY BLOG-                                                  https://           

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