Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Home remedies, simple ones forgotten over the years

Sore throat

I remember very well when I had sore throat when young, my mother would always say, gargle with salt water. Reluctantly used to do it, but would find relief. Over the years, forgot about it, now with COPD, I do it religiously everyday.
Add 1/2 tsp of salt to a glass of warm water and gargle 3 times a day before food. It really works. If your symptoms persists better to consult your physician.


Ginger is very good for nausea, you can make ginger juice, add it with lime juice, it not only helps to overcome nausea, also give you lost appetite. It aids digestion, good for morning and motion sickness too, sucking a ginger toffee helps to overcome motion sickness. Ginger mixed with gur/ molasses is also very good for digestion.

Eye bags
Morning cup of tea is not only beneficial to keep you get over your sleep, but has various other benefits too. For puffy eyes and eye bags, keep cool tea bags, as it helps to reduce inflammation, as the caffeine in tea bags helps to shrink the blood vessels around the eyes to leading to puffiness. One has  wring out tea bags, keep it in the fridge till it gets cold to keep it over the eyes to reap its benefits.

Have high-fiber diet and have enough water to drink each day. Eating whole fruits, banana, apple, dates, prunes, fresh beans, spinach, banana stem are all high in fiber. Having whole grains, kidney beans, whole green moong, (white / kala chana)- chickpeas are all high in fiber. Include at least 2 variety of fiber with each meal with adequate water will help one to get rid of constipation. Have fruits half an hour before meals or best before breakfast and in between meals as snacks.

Urinary tract infections
UTI is something most women suffer from at least once in their life time. One of the simplest one is to have either cranberry juice or have pickle made of cranberry ( karonda) when you get UTI. In the acidic condition, bacteria can't survive and get flushed out when we've the juice and drink enough water. Another simple remedy is mix 1/2 tsp of baking soda mix well in a glass of water and drink it twice a day before your meals. Drinking this has double benefits- one to get relief from UTI, another to get rid of acidity. To know more various benefits of baking soda see my other posts in this blog.

Skin problems
Oats is one of the good breakfast meal when you ask most people, as it is rich in fiber, when you've with milk, gives a feeling of fullness adding some nuts to the porridge. But , it has some unusual benefits too- if you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, oats is the remedy. You can soak oats, not instant variety, in warm water, it will get little slimy, if you rub when you've your bath, it will protect the skin, prevent dryness. In case, you want to soak in a bathtub to relax, grind some oats ( not instant), pour into a warm tub of water, soak, pat dry when you get out, instead of rubbing yourself.

Sleeping problems
Many people, especially elders and those who are lonely suffer from sleeping problems. They rush to the doctor with their problems, who will prescribe sleeping pills, which will become habitual and slowly you'll increase the dosage to get relief, but not for too long. Instead, one can have a glass of warm milk, a banana and 1-2 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds before going to bed. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of tryptophan, an amino acid that can help promote sleep. Being also rich in magnesium, it also promotes good sleep. There is a pressure point 4 fingers above your ankle on the inner side of your legs. Massage this point lightly before going to bed for a few minutes. This also aids in getting good sleep. 
Another simple one is to take deep breaths and breathe out slowly few times. This helps one to relax. Then say " OM", it is one of the most powerful symbols and sound in the world. It will calm you, that will give you good sleep.

Honey is an age old remedy for cough. All the cough syrups contain honey, no wonder they taste sweet ! Since, I'm COPD, I've made my own cough syrups- using honey, apple cider vinegar and water- all 2 tbsp with 1/4 tsp each of dry ginger powder and red chili powder ! I found this more effective than the store bought, so keep making it regularly. Another equally powerful cough syrup is finely chopping one big onion then, in a small container putting layers of onion, topping with honey and little apple cider vinegar ( ACV), helps very well too. Onion has sulfuric acid, which helps to reduce the inflammation of the airways, honey soothes the throat. As and when the juice reduces in the container, add more honey and ACV,  for a week, it doesn't get spoiled.

When one works in the kitchen, or in factories near fire, one is likely to get burns. The first treatment for burns is to run cold water over the place till the heat goes. Aloe vera has shown some potential promise in treating burns. The plant is a natural anti-inflammatory, promoting circulation and has antibacterial properties that stop bacteria from growing. Honey bandages may help sterilize a burn and prevent infection. It can also soothe burned skin, easing some of the pain.

Duct tape is used for sealing packets, envelopes is what we all know and use, but then isn't it amazing that it was found that putting duct tape over warts was more effective than freezing them !

Apple- Cleans teeth and stains too !
We all know well that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, now you can also add that an apple a day keeps the dentist away too ! When you're at work, wish to  clean the coffee stain, munch an apple, its flesh brushes with the teeth and acts like a natural toothbrush ! If some are worried about the acid causing damage to teeth, swish your mouth with water.

Bad breath, ulcer, cough- licorice
In olden times, grandmas used to chew on licorice, it not only wards off bad breath,it is an effective agent to fight bacteria, which causes tooth decay and periodontal disease. It is soothing for cough, when you chew it, it helps for stomach ulcers and relieves stress.

My father used to say, you get headache when you've stomach upset. He used to fast, he never took any tablets in his life. Well, many may find it hard to fast, you can try applying cold pack on your forehead. A new study has found that placing a frozen pack over your neck, especially over carotid arteries greatly reduced pain in migraine sufferers.

White teeth- baking soda
Who doesn't want to have those pearly white teeth. It is cheaper than going to the dentist,just put some baking soda in a small dish, add some water to make a paste. Brush your teeth with it, due to the slight abrasive nature of the soda, it will remove the plaque, make your teeth white. But, kindly don't overdo it, as doing it often can harm the enamel.

Plantar fasciitis and achy feet-
You thought tennis ball was meant only for playing tennis or cricket by young boys. Thins again, it has useful benefits for achy feet, especially plantar fasciitis, roll your leg over the ball, it helps to lengthen the tight tissue on the bottom of the foot. Combined with heel cord stretching or Achilles stretching, hence this is very beneficial for plantar fasciitis.

Under stress- chew gum !
You thought people were chewing gum for fresh breath, especially, you see cricketers chewing it all the time. A study found that 2 weeks of chewing gum regularly, improved participants levels of anxiety, stress, mood and tiredness.

Cough-Dark bitter chocolate / Honey
Dark-bitter chocolates, not milk variety, contains a compound called theobromine, which has proved to be more effective than codeine for coughs, without the drowsiness and constipation. Or have a spoon or two of honey, as it has anti-inflammatory property which works on canker sores too.

Sore throat
Squeeze the juice of 6 garlic cloves in a glass of warm water, gargle the solution twice a day. Normally within 3 days your sore throat should be fine, thanks to the anti-microbial properties that destroy the pain causing bacteria. The warm water also soothes the throat.

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