Sunday, January 06, 2019

Health Benefits Of Coconut Water

Until a few years ago, coconut water was not hailed as the elixir it is regarded as today in the Western countries. But did you know that during World War II, coconut water was used as a short-term intravenous hydration and resuscitation fluid?1 Extremely popular in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia, coconut water is the almost clear liquid found in tender green coconuts as well as mature brown coconuts. The refreshing low-calorie drink should not be confused with the uber rich coconut milk which is made by mixing grated coconut meat with water.

Coconut Water Nutrition
Even though it is a tad high in sugar (6 g per cup) and sodium (252 mg), there are still many health benefits of coconut water. At just 46 calories per cup, coconut water is rich in potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium. It also has some carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and selenium.2
Coconut water is regarded as one of the ultimate detox drinks owing to its electrolytes, amino acids, phytohormones, antioxidants, growth promoting factors, and age-reversing cytokines. In short, it is not only a tropical beverage that quenches the thirst on a hot day but has also been used successfully as a traditional medicine. Here are the 12 benefits of coconut water or 12 reasons you need to start drinking this elixir.
1. Coconut water is even more hydrating than water
The presence of electrolytes makes it a great re-hydrating agent, although plain water still serves to be the best. 

So whenever you are in fluid loss, you can just have a coconut water drink.
It is an effective hydrating agent and if taken in the right amounts, it has even got the power to heal stomach anomalies like indigestion.

2. Have skin benefiting effects  

We all die for that perfectly radiating spot-free skin.
While we hardly find something that befits our skin, coconut water distinctly serves for skin-bettering for all types.
Coconut water is composed of anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that have the power to rectify the acne issues.
It levels the pH of your skin that regulates a proper hydration for the skin, thus keeping it moisturized.
And the presence of lauric acid in it makes it perfect for providing anti-ageing solutions for the skin.
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3. Maintains the blood pressure level

With its Vitamin C, potassium and magnesium content, one of the many benefits of coconut water is that it is really good at maintaining a low BP.
Two cups of fresh coconut water, a day can keep your blood pressure levels low.
A blood pressure that soars till the roof is one of the risk factors for heart disease. So you are doing your heart a favour by keeping it in check.
“The fact that coconut water is very low in calories, makes it suitable for the people trying to cut down their weights. It is naturally blessed with zero fat and cholesterol. ”
Coconut water consists of only 4 to 6 gm of sugars per 100 ml. And FYI, it is even lesser than most of the sports drinks.

4. Helps during Headaches

The richness of magnesium in coconut water can help reduce headaches. It is also known to be effective for migraines.
Yes, that unbearable ache that doesn’t let you do anything during a migraine can be reduced with coconut water.

5. It is a complete package of multi-nutrients

With the presence of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium, coconut water is better than many nutritious drinks that you get outside.
Thus, individuals with deficiencies of any or all of these nutrients can be highly benefited.

6. Helps in maintaining the body pH

Having an acidic ambience inside your body can be a negative point. It can lead to many diseases like liver issues, arthritis, diabetes etc.
The basic nature of coconut water can help reduce the acidic nature and hence maintains the right pH level.

7. It regulates hair growth

The role of coconut oil for hair is known to all. But the water inside this giant seed is beneficial to hair too.
  It is known to add shine to the hair, reducing dandruff as well as help the hair grow longer and stronger.
The coconut water hydrates the scalp and the hair. And massaging your hair with this water can boost hair nourishment as well as blood circulation.

8. Coconut water is good for Diabetes

For all the diabetic people, coconut water can be an absolute solution.
It is not only low in sugar and calories but also very rich in potassium, many important minerals and dietary fibres. These are nothing but some naturally occurring calorie free carbohydrates.

9. It is a natural diuretic

Yes, coconut water is a well-known regulator of body’s dieresis. It can cleanse your body and can even cure different urinary infections. Including it meticulously in your diet can be pretty effective for your kidneys in fluid regulation.

10. Relieves the heart

Our heart is one of the most sensitive organs that we have. Coconut water increases the HDL or the good lipid and inhibits the VLDL.
The presence of electrolytes in it makes it a great heart booster. It is so good for hearts that in Jamaica, coconut water is considered as a heart tonic.

11. Coconut water helps to treat Hyperthyroidism

One of the common diseases of our times is the thyroid issue. And this too can be managed by coconut water. The presence of anti-inflammatory properties makes it ideal for individuals with hypothyroidism.

12. Coconut water benefits weight loss

We all crave for a perfectly toned body. And coconut water can even help us with that. This beverage is low in calories and increases body metabolism.
The fact that coconut water keeps you hydrated will inhibit the storage of fats in your body. This way it does minimize the chances of building up the fats.

13. Coconut water benefits during pregnancy

Regular consumption of coconut water can help in having a comfortable pregnancy. It is known to reduce fatigue, cramps, dehydration etc during pregnancy.
Moreover, it provides comfort during those significant months for the soon to be mothers.

14. It helps in curing hangovers

Do you often see yourself gulping aspirins after those weekend parties? If yes, then stop taking them. Coconut water is great for curing bad hangovers.
And of course, it is natural. It provides the body with the most required fluid supply that the alcohols drain away. I bet this is one benefit of coconut water that the party animals should definitely know!

Coconut water is like a magical potion that has numerous benefits. The only way that it can be beneficial to us is knowing its significance’s.
Moreover taking it in the right measure and at the right time can help you optimize the various benefits of coconut water.

15. Protects And Heals The Liver

One of the benefits of tender coconut water includes better liver health, thanks to its antioxidants. It protects the liver and heals damaged liver cells, as observed in a study on rats.
In particular, green coconut water benefits your liver and overall health more. The antioxidant agents in the green dwarf variety of coconuts (most common) protect against oxidative damage.

16. Prevents Dehydration Due To Diarrhea

Tender coconut water benefits your tummy and may be used as an oral rehydration aid to replace fluid loss from the gastrointestinal tract in patients suffering severe dehydration due to diarrhea. It’s light enough to be tolerated well.

17. Can Improve Fertility In Men

In Ayurveda, coconut water is said to promote semen quality and quantity. It also clears up the urinary path.

18. Dissolves Kidney Stones

Studies reveal that there are benefits of coconut water for kidneys. The consumption of coconut water just 2 to 3 times a week can be very effective in dissolving kidney stones by reducing their size and helping expel them from the body. It can also clear up bladder infections.

19. Reduces Age Spots And Wrinkles

This miracle drink works from the inside out to give you flawless skin! The benefits of coconut water for skin largely include anti-aging properties. It offers nutritional support for healthy skin by restoring strength and elasticity and reducing age spots, wrinkles, and sagging. It also regulates the functioning of the intestines which, in turn, promotes smoother, more hydrated skin.
In addition, coconut water also makes for a great natural toner. There are some benefits of coconut water for acne as well – just apply topically and its antimicrobial function will heal pimples and lighten blemishes.

Best time to drink coconut water

The best time to drink coconut water would be –
  • After a tiring day
  • After working out
  • Early in the morning
  • Post lunchtime

Coconut water disadvantages

While this drink has always been known for its benefits, there can be certain disadvantages of coconut water too.
Like it can act as an allergic to many people, an excess of coconut water can even lead to hyperglycemia, it might even sometimes act as a laxative that can disrupt the digestive system.
Hence proper care must be taken while having this magical drink. After all excess of anything can be dangerous!

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