Negative Thoughts About Your Body - How To Manage It
Today, most people’s perception of a beautiful woman is a tall, slim,
fair skinned woman. However, not everyone is built with such a physique
but still have a beauty of their own. As they say, beauty lies in the eyes
of the beholder and if you think you are beautiful then that confidence
will indeed give you the grace and elegance to be noticed. Sadly, we
tend to focus more on the social perception of beauty and tend to find
faults with ourselves as we try to fit into that mould. These constant
negative thoughts lead to the development of emotions that range from
discontentment to depression and hence are extremely unhealthy.
1. Tap into your values and determine the most values-oriented actions you could take. A therapist asks her clients an expansive list of potential
values and ask them to prioritize their top five values. These values
may include honesty, family relationships, spirituality, independence,
health, etc. Clients are then asked to identify a situation that would
likely trigger negative body image thoughts and brainstorm as many
different actions they could take in that moment to manage these
thoughts. Then, they are asked to reference their list of top values and
identify the most values-oriented actions they could take. For
instance, say you experience negative body image thoughts while getting
dressed to go to work. You could decide that these thoughts are too
strong, they are impacting your mood, and you should just stay home and
avoid being seen today. However, you choose to reference your list of
top values which include family relationships and independence, and
identify values-oriented actions you could take instead. You decide to
call a loved one to share your frustrations or maybe just distract with
small talk. You also remind yourself of the importance of showing up to
work in order to continue striving for financial independence, and
commit to going to work. These thoughts may still be present, but you
are not allowing them to control your life.
2. Write a letter of gratitude to your body and read it when negative body image thoughts arise. During
another body image group, the women begin by participating in a
gratitude meditation. There are many wonderful gratitude meditations
available online if you’re interested! Then, they are asked to write
a letter of gratitude to their bodies, choosing to suspend criticism
for just a moment, and taking the time to honor their bodies. As they
write this letter, clients are encouraged to reflect on all the ways
that their body serves them and enables them to live a life worth
living. This letter could serve as a powerful reminder of your body’s
amazing resilience and value, when you find yourself criticizing its
3. Commit to doing one to two random acts of kindness for your body each day. These
acts of kindness could vary significantly from person to person but
should include any action that makes your body feel good and honors your
body’s needs. These acts of kindness could include (but are certainly
not limited to): resting when your body is tired, taking a mindful walk,
taking a warm bath, putting on a favorite scented lotion, getting a
massage, wearing a cozy sweater, honoring your body’s hunger and
fullness cues, stretching, meditating, etc. Create your own list of acts
of kindness that resonate the most with you and commit to trying 1-2 of
these acts each day. Building a better relationship with your body
doesn’t just involve battling the negative, but also actively creating
positive interactions with your body.
4. Practice self-compassion. You
can’t control that these negative body image thoughts pop up in your
head, but you do control whether or not to beat yourself up for having
them. Instead, it is important to gain awareness of how these thoughts
became so embedded in our heads. We live in a society where women are
constantly given the message that their worth is determined by their
appearance and body size and that they must never be satisfied with
either. It’s no wonder that we feel compelled to criticize our bodies
and compare them with unrealistic ideals of perfection. As you work
towards building a better relationship with your body, practice
self-compassion and be patient with yourself. Choosing to honor and
accept your body exactly as it is, is truly revolutionary in our
society. Rather than beating yourself up when these negative thoughts
arise, speak to yourself with the same loving kindness that you would to
a loved one.
5. Actively seek and create body-positive messages. Be
creative and find ways to surround yourself with body-positive
influences. This tip could include following body-positive blogs or accounts. Create your own pro-recovery and/or body-positive board. Join organizations and participate in events that
promote body acceptance and health at every size. Create and display a
collage of images and quotes that inspire you to be kind to your body
and honor it. Spend more time with friends and loved ones who do not
engage in negative body talk. Serve as a role model for others and avoid
criticizing your body in conversations with others. The options for
carrying out this tip are endless. Our society, mass, and social media
are full of images and messages that promote body shaming and/or
unrealistic body ideals. Actively work towards surrounding yourself with
very different messages and avoid following accounts that reinforce
your negative body image thoughts.
6.Look Out For Thinking Errors- Most people with a
negative self-image tend to think along a few common lines. Recognise
these thinking errors and try avoiding them to build a more positive
self-image. This includes thinking only in extremes, magnifying things,
turning emotions into reasons etc. Realise that thinking negatively
makes it more difficult for you to achieve your goals or what you want
out of life. Recognising these patterns is the first step towards
accepting yourself and building your self-confidence.
7.Stop Making Comparisons- From early childhood, we
begin comparing ourselves with others. As we get older, we compare our
self-image with what we see on magazine covers and billboards. Even
though we know they have been digitally enhanced, we still aspire to
look like them. However, each person’s physique is different and it is
not possible for everyone to look like a model.
8. Recognise Your Strengths- You may have heavy hips
but at the same time, you also may have beautiful eyes. Focus on the
parts of your body that you love and each time you find yourself
complaining about your self-image, remind yourself of these parts. Be
grateful for what you have instead of sinking into a victim syndrome.
9. Look Out For Triggers- Find out what triggers
negative thoughts in you and stay away from them for a while. For some
people, this may be in the form of magazines while for others it may be
certain TV shows or even the company they keep. Surround yourself with
positive imagery and positive people who will support you and uplift you
instead of simply sympathising with you and letting you believe that
you are a victim.
Labels: acts of kindness, don't compare, errors, letter of gratitude, negative thoughts, positive messages, recognise, self-compassion, strength, tap into your values, thinking, triggers
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