Thursday, January 26, 2017


The Indian black salt, also known as 'Kala Namak', is a popular variety of Indian volcanic stone salts. It is used extensively in India, Pakistan, and internationally, by those who know its benefits. Its unusual color comes from the presence of tiny amounts of iron and other minerals.
This special salt is found in the Himalayan mountain ranges and has some excellent health benefits that you should know about. In India, black salt is often prescribed for patients with high blood pressure or those who require a low-salt diet. Why? Because black salt is low on sodium, and so doesn't raise the blood pressure like normal salt does. It is also a popular treatment for heartburn and intestinal gas. In short, it provides a boost to the digestive system.
The health benefits of black salt
1. A healthier alternative to sea salt

Salt is incredibly common in everyday life. We find it in a huge amount of snacks and dishes. This is usually iodized salt or sea salt. However, an overdose of salt in our daily lives is a common problem that may lead to paralysis, thyroid problems, and high blood pressure, to name just a few. The two most dangerous chemicals in sea salt are potassium iodate and aluminum silicate. This is why sea salt is banned in some countries. However, black salt is a great alternative to iodized salt, and here are a few of its benefits compared to iodized salt:
  • Treats arthritis problems
  • Treats paralysis problems
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Deals with impotency issues
2. Therapeutic benefits
According to centuries of tradition, black salt is a 'cooling' salt that is filled with therapeutic benefits. It can be used as a laxative and as a cure for intestinal disorders. It has benefits for eyesight and unlike common salt, does not enhance your sodium intake. However, due to its high sulfur content, it can also weaken the digestive system in large amounts, and so a balanced use is recommended, no more than you would regular salt.
3. For soft, beautiful looking skin
Another use for black salt is skincare. Instead of chemical peels, special soaps and spas, consider adding black salt to your bath water. It works as an excellent healing agent, especially good for cracked, swollen feet, athlete's foot, warts, and sprains. Just sit back and let it heal your pain and relieve your worries while you enjoy a truly refreshing bath. When you come out, your body will feel truly rejuvenated. 
Note: If your skin is sensitive to irritation, it's best not to make the water too hot, or you may incur some itchiness.
4. For strong, problem-free hair
If you're one of many who suffer from a receding hairline, you're probably frustrated by all the supplements and tonics that never seem to work. So, try something more natural this time. The essential minerals in black salt will boost your hair's natural growth, strengthen it and treat its split ends. If you have dandruff or acute hair loss, we recommend taking black salt with tomato juice at least once a day. Not only will it encourage hair growth, but will also thicken your hair, and give it some extra sheen and luster.
Do try to use this wonderful natural product and see the difference for yourself. Don’t forget to leave us a comment. Stay fit and stay healthy!
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