Sunday, September 30, 2012


 While trying to find out what is behind a migraine headache, researchers examined ultrasound scans of people drinking ice-cold water & experiencing "ice-cream brain"or brain freeze & were frozen in their tracks.

When a spoonful of ice-cream hits the roof of your mouth, resulting in a piercing headache, do you think the veins in your head contract & pain results from restricted blood flow? What happens is just the contrary. Located close to the roof of your mouth & running up into the middle of your brain is the anterior cerebral artery. When suddenly chilled, it dilates  so the brain will continue to get enough blood. This increases in blood flow causes what we call ice-cream brain.So, what does it tell upi about avoiding or triggering migraine? Some doctors believe migraines are not triggered by vascular contractions or dilations. They say migraines are caused by excitement of a nerve near the anterior cerebral artery, not the artery itself. But the change in artery size may also stimulate nerve activity. Whatever be the case, the new findings confirmed one thing- ice-cream, or better; healthy non-fat no-sugar-added frozen yoghurt- should be enjoyed slowly, one lick at  a time, if you want to avoid frozen brain !

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