Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Vitamin B12 rich foods are the secret to glowing skin, here's how you can add them to your diet

 Yes, skincare is an inside-out thing, but what can we do to truly embrace it? For starters add Vitamin B12 rich foods into your daily diet instead of all that late night sugar you're craving.

Dry patches , dull complexion, or an uneven skin tone are all signs that you need to give it some extra TLC. But real skincare goes deeper than a 16-step skincare routine. It means taking care of your body by feeding it nourishing food, full of essential vitamins and minerals that it needs. Vitamin B12 makes its entrance here. Often hailed for maintaining nerve health and aiding in the production of red blood cells it also plays a key role in keeping the skin radiant and healthy. It contributes to the renewal and repair of skin cells, which is essential if you want to maintain skin vitality and vibrancy.

What is Vitamin B12 deficiency?

While it is an essential vitamin, Vitamin B12 is not one our body produces independently. It is crucial we get enough of it through our diet as it helps create new DNA, maintains our ability to think and keeps our nervous system and brain balanced and healthy. An absence or deficiency can lead to severe issues–fatigue, depression and paleness of the skin being a few effects. By keeping your Vitamin B12 levels in check, you're not just promoting skin health but also supporting the nervous system and enhancing energy levels, making you feel as good as you look. If you're looking for ways to incorporate Vitamin B12 rich foods in your diet, let the list below guide the way.


When it comes to sustenance, the ocean has a lot more to offer than you would think. Seafood such as salmon, tuna, and sardines, are not just exotic fish but a potent source of Vitamin B12. There are also shellfish like clams and crabs that are an excellent source of this. These seafood selections are also teeming with omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties that support skin hydration and elasticity, contributing to smoother, healthier skin.

Lean protein

The usual non vegetarian sources of protein like chicken and turkey are also key givers of Vitamin B12. The water-soluble vitamin, also known as cobalamin is often found in animal products like meats which are considered lean sources of protein. Additionally, they pack a punch in terms of vitamins that help boost skin health and appearance. Additionally, they are also know to help with supporting muscle repair, and enhance skin regeneration.


Milk, yogurt, and cheese are not only versatile, daily ingredients in the kitchen but are also full of Vitamin B12. Beyond that, they are rich in essential minerals like calcium and gut-friendly probiotics–illustrating the intricate link between a healthy digestive system and a radiant complexion.


A breakfast favourite, eggs are a convenient and affordable source of Vitamin B12. While the whites are a rich source of protein, the yellow yolk, in particular, is rich in vitamins and minerals that are linked to promoting skin health. And given the array of delicious egg recipes that dominate the internet today, it makes for a tasty way to get in these essential protein, vitamins and minerals.

Fortified foods

Foods like cereals, snack bars, plant-based milks and even some types of breads are mostly fortified; meaning they have been synthetically created to have extra nutrients like vitamins, minerals and other micro-nutrients. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, these can make for appetising ways to get your dose of Vitamin B12.



This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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