Tuesday, July 02, 2024

10 foods that are rich in vitamin C and can help stimulate collagen too

 In summer, protecting your skin from the sun is crucial, and vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) is essential for this. Alongside beta-carotene, vitamin C boosts collagen synthesis, strengthens the skin and shields it from sun damage. Discovered in the 1930s by Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi, this micronutrient is vital for skin health. It fights free radicals that age the skin prematurely and supports collagen production, keeping skin firm, toned, and elastic.

But how do we make sure we get enough vitamin C? One way is through vitamin C supplements: the recommended daily dose is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men. However, nutritionists suggest it is always better to get it through healthy food and a balanced diet.

Including vitamin C-rich foods in our diet is easy—thanks to the variety of delicious fruits and vegetables that have it. They also contain flavonoids that help the body absorb this essential nutrient. Moreover, increasing the intake of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables in our daily diet offers several benefits, not just for our skin but for overall health too.

The benefits of vitamin C

  • A powerful antioxidant action and prevents cell ageing
  • Strengthens the immune system, protecting us from seasonal ailments
  • Helps the absorption of iron in the intestines and contributes to the production of red blood cells
  • It is beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system and protects capillaries
  • It maintains healthy connective tissues, accelerates wound healing and prevents bleeding
  • It is involved in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters and hormones such as serotonin and supports the nervous system

We have selected 10 vitamin C-rich foods for you to consume in rotation every day. Reminding you that unlike supplements (more than 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid can cause stomach and intestinal upset) foods cannot provide us with "too much" vitamin C. Since vitamin C is sensitive to heat and can be deactivated by cooking, it is better to consume them raw, or only lightly cooked, at a low temperature.

Hot peppers

Red chilies are a real vitamin C bomb: 100 gms of these spicy little veggies provide about 229 mg. In addition, they also contain a considerable dose of vitamin A or retinol with anti-ageing action on the skin. Chop them raw onto pasta, meat, fish or salads.


This exotic fruit that grows in tropical areas also tops the list of foods richest in vitamin C: 100 grams of guava gives us about 228 mg of this vital nutrient. In addition, this polyphenol- and carotenoid-rich superfruit is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial. When you find it, hoard it.


This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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