Tuesday, November 01, 2022

It’s Time to Debunk These Misconceptions About Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages on the planet. Millions of people around the world can’t begin their day without a hot mug of coffee. Statistics show that 30 million American adults drink specialty coffee beverages every day!

There’s something so refreshing and comforting about a warm cup of coffee, isn’t there? While it’s so dearly loved, coffee is probably one of the most misunderstood drinks. For example, you may have heard that coffee aids weight loss and cures a bad hangover. There’s also a common belief that coffee is bad for health. So, how many of these so-called facts are true? Let’s try and dispel some common myths about caffeine. 
Myth 1: Coffee is bad for your health
Some people believe that drinking coffee is bad for health and avoid it altogether. Excessive consumption of coffee is the problem. The right amount of coffee, in fact, is good for you. According to a study conducted by Dr. Ang Zhou and Professor Elina Hyppönen of the University of South Australia, drinking more than six cups of coffee per day can negatively affect cardiovascular risk. 
Furthermore, recent research by Harvard University found that consuming about 2–5 cups of coffee a day “is linked to a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver, and endometrial cancers, Parkinson’s disease, and depression.” The study authors also note that moderate coffee consumption can even reduce the risk of early death. 
Myth 2: Storing coffee in the fridge extends its freshness 
Many people believe that storing coffee in the fridge or freezer helps extend its freshness. While it’s always better to consume coffee beans when they’re fresh, storing them in the refrigerator isn’t the way. In fact, storing coffee beans in the fridge or freezer can actually ruin them, as it can cause too much moisture to condensate inside the container. The beans absorb moisture quickly and this can cause them to lose their potent flavor and may even result in mold. 
Experts suggest storing your coffee in the pantry in an airtight container. 
Myth 3: A morning cup of coffee will cure your hangover
The suggestion that a cup of coffee can help cure a hangover is incorrect. Caffeine does not speed up the sobering process, even though you may feel a little less groggy after drinking it. The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences notes that coffee cannot reverse the effects of alcohol. Experts from the university's Department of Emergency Medicine say that coffee cannot sober you up, as it does not remove alcohol from the system. However, they do add that coffee may help partially reverse the sedative effect of alcohol. 
Only time can help get rid of your hangover and sober you up. So, please don’t depend on coffee for it.

Myth 4: Drinking coffee aids in weight loss
Caffeine is a stimulant that increases metabolism in the body. However, experts say that it might not be significant enough to bring any considerable change in weight. Furthermore, research on the connection between caffeine and weight loss isn’t definite. Theories suggest that caffeine can reduce the desire to eat for a short while, but there’s no evidence to show that regular consumption of coffee can help with weight loss. Sorry. Try exercising.
Myth 5: Darker roast coffee has more caffeine
Common Coffee Myths, Darker roast coffee
Most people think that dark-roasted coffee is much stronger and contains more caffeine than a light roast. Darker roasts boast a stronger and bolder flavor, but that doesn’t mean it has more caffeine. Quite the opposite, actually. Coffee beans lose caffeine and mass in the roasting process, resulting in slightly less caffeine. On the other hand, light-roasted coffee has the most caffeine, as it spends the least amount of time roasting. Therefore, it retains the highest amount of caffeine and acidity.  
Myth 6: Drinking coffee in the afternoon will cause insomnia
The stimulating effects of caffeine can give you an immediate increase in alertness and energy. While that can help us stay focused, drinking too much coffee can also have a disruptive effect on your sleep. That doesn’t mean, however, that your afternoon cup of coffee will keep you awake at night. Researchers recommend cutting off all caffeinated beverages and foods six hours before bed. So, if you've been scared to drink that one cup of coffee at 2 pm... Well, you shouldn't be. Just make sure you don’t overdo it.

This is only for your information, kindly take the advice of your doctor for medicines, exercises and so on.   

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