Thursday, August 04, 2022

Diabetes: How can blood sugar be regulated? Four lifestyle modifications

Diabetes mellitus is a risky condition. As a result, the blood sugar level rises. Since almost every organ in the body is susceptible to diabetes, uncontrolled diabetes can potentially have serious consequences. People with the illness must make drastic lifestyle changes to maintain their general health. Here are a few choices-


Physical activity-

Someone with diabetes needs to move around everyday. Exercise of moderate intensity for at least 40-45 minutes can greatly enhance blood sugar control. Vigorous walking, hiking, cycling, rollerblading, skipping, jogging, swimming, or participating in any sport are all acceptable forms of exercise.


Loss of weight

A healthy weight can help manage diabetes. A balanced diet and daily exercise should be used to lose weight. Self-starvation to lose weight could be harmful to one’s health. Therefore, it is preferable to attempt weight loss by eating the right foods and exercising consistently over time.


Food alterations

A balance diet is necessary for those with diabetes. People with diabetes should consume less fat and more dietary fiber. Eating fewer meals at once is another change in lifestyle that might affect blood sugar. Patients with diabetes need to eat more whole-grain foods. Such individuals ought to consume more legumes, beans and veggies.

Avoid eating junk foods like noodles, burgers, pizzas, pastries and cheese with a lot of fat. Avoid eating foods high in saturated fat, including chips, pastries, crisps, samosas and biscuits. A dinner for 4 chappatis can be divided into 2 meals of 2 chappatis each. Lean meats such as skinless chicken and turkey should be served for dinner. Steer clear of processed meats.

Steer clear of fried meat. Eat only meat that has been grilled or steam-cooked. Diabetics must limit their alcohol consumption.


Diabetes is caused by stress. Blood pressure rises, and blood glucose levels spike due to stress hormones. Under conditions of ongoing stress, blood glucose levels can rise significantly. Additionally, it can raise the risk of hypertension, heart diseases and  stroke. Additionally, it boosts immune function. The following changes can be implemented to lessen stress. Get the recommend 8 hours of sleep each night, watch movies , listen to music, watch stand-up comedy, go to the gym, stay away from stressful situation, eat a healthy diet and participate in more outdoor activities.

Bottom line-

You might have heard someone claim their sugar is a little high or that they have a touch of diabetes:

There is a tonne of work to be done. It’s worthwhile, even though it’s difficult. People with diabetes need to take their medicine even when they feel well, eat properly, keep their weight in check, walk more every day, and make healthy food choices.


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