Monday, August 08, 2022

5 Best Drinking Habits To Get Rid of Liver Fat

Your liver performs over 500 functions which are essential for your body to run. These activities by your liver also contributes in keeping you alive and health. Therefore, this organ deserves your proper care and attention. While, the liver contains a very little amount of fat, some lifestyle changes can contribute majorly in the build up of too much liver fat, which can eventually damage it completely. What causes liver fat? Health conditions like type-2 diabetes, following a high-fat diet and high cholesterol are the main culprits. However, one more thing affects the liver in a severe way. Your drinking habits. Yes, heavy drinking can cause too much liver fat to form. Here are some healthy drinking tips to get rid of liver fat.

Stop Drinking Items Containing Sugar

Sugar helps your liver to produce more fat, thus drinks containing lots of sugar can trigger the production and accumulation of liver fat. Drinks containing sugar if consumed for a longer period of time, can damage the liver as well. Therefore, if you want to get rid of liver fat, make sure to cut down on drinks which has sugar in it.

Say No To Alcohol

Alcohol has several side effects, and one of the major one is liver problems. Drinking too much alcohol can also result in fat build-up in the liver. According to the experts, drinking occasionally is okay but excessive drinking should be avoided when trying to get rid of liver fat. Heavy drkinking notonly causes alcoholic fatty liver disease, but also leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver problems. 

Add Greens To Your Smoothies

Are you a fan of smoothies? Try to add some broccoli to your regular smoothie to help your liver get rid of fat. According to the experts, Broccoli contains a compound called indole that may help reduce liver fat.Only limiting alcohol consumption cannot help you in keeping your liver healthy. It is also important to note that a good diet should be your priority too! Add liver-friendly foods to your daily diet and see the magic.

Say Goodbye to Too Many Energy Drinks

As discussed above, consumption of drinks which has too much added sugar can impact your liver fat levels over time. One of the other drink that you must cut down from your diet are the energy drinks. These drinks content heavy sugar which can be harmful for your liver. According to the experts, one drinking habit that can contribute heavily to the onset of the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the over consumption of energy drinks.

Do Not Drink Packed Fruit Juices

Another drink that you must say no to are the packed fruit juices. These are generally full of sugars, even if the sugars are natural (in case you want to go for cold pressed juices). Juice helps in cleansing the internal system. However, most of them are rich in fructose. When too much fructose overwhelms the liver, the liver converts it to fat. Also, consuming excessive amounts of fructose can lead to the onset of nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFD). Therefore, the best way to incorporate the goodness of fruits in the diet is by adding whole fruits to your plate. This way the fiber also enters your body and you end up getting other required nutrients as well.


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